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shaolin_cb 07-18-2008 11:55 AM

Lathe for cymbal turning
I am interested in using a lathe for cymbal turning. I have very little knowledge of lathes. I read a forum describing how to build one but most of it was over my head. Does anyone have any experience with this type of lathe?

THE DOCTOR 07-23-2008 11:26 AM

It would take a very large lathe 15-20 inches to do this and a lot of wasted material with a lot of distortion due to heat as the very thin piece was cut with a parting tool and no way to hold it to smooth the finish after cutting on the back side.

I have a 15" lathe and wouldn't even attempt such a chore.

It would be far far far easier to take some flat stock and trim to shape then use a press to form a slight cone then heat treat. than to try and make one on a lathe.

Hope this helps


JFettig 07-23-2008 06:25 PM

I'm pretty sure they arent turned but spun, check out metal spinning. You still need a big machine but you won't do much cutting.


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