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-   -   Anybody try out the new Hornady 208 gr. AMax yet (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1922)

abyssdncr 06-10-2008 12:28 AM

Made it out to the range today to test these. Not really that impressed so far... My starting load was 9.0 grains of AA#9. 50 yd groups of five were around 1.0" and the faster I pushed them the worse they shot. Went up by .2 grains to 9.8. 9.6 & 9.8 grain groups opened up to 3-4". 3 shots went supersonic at 9.8.

Any suggestions on other powder to try? I have 150 of these left and some H110, H4227, & Blue Dot...?

abyssdncr 06-10-2008 12:28 AM

Made it out to the range today to test these. Not really that impressed so far... My starting load was 9.0 grains of AA#9. 50 yd groups of five were around 1.0" and the faster I pushed them the worse they shot. Went up by .2 grains to 9.8. 9.6 & 9.8 grain groups opened up to 3-4". 3 shots went supersonic at 9.8.

Any suggestions on other powder to try? I have 150 of these left and some H110, H4227, & Blue Dot...?

dksd39 06-13-2008 05:58 AM

my favorite powder for 220's is LilGun (8.5gr). I was hoping you would have great results so I could save some money. The SMK's are getting pricey.

interceptor 06-29-2008 12:14 PM

I loaded 100 of the 208's with 9.2g H110, and out of my Model 1 upper I was not impressed at all. The story of the afternoon was about a 6" group at 100 yards and maybe 5" at 200. After that I was too disgusted with the thing to take it to 300.

I currently have much better luck with my supersonic loads, 16g H110 with a 155g Sierra Palma Match, abut 1.5" at 100 yards, have not tried it yet beyond that.

lemmethink 07-02-2008 11:10 AM

That is pretty interesting that your groups got tighter at 200 yards. Makes me wonder what would happen at 300 yards with that load. Sometimes loads that perform really well in my .308 win at 500 yards or farther aren't really all that impressive at 100 yards (I have noticed the same thing only reversed with loads that print tight at 100 yards and open up at long range).

Hmmm, just find that really interesting....I might need to play with some at longer ranges.

Bigfoot 07-13-2008 11:21 AM

How well do they expand subsonic?

Pitt300 07-25-2008 11:55 PM

Interceptor - did you chrono any of your 9.2 g H110 loads?
What was your land length in the M1S upper?

Just loaded some 208s myself.
9.4/9.6/9.8g of VV N110 - Subsonic I hope
11.6g VV N110 Supersonic to check accuracy.
I may have figured out part of the problem w/these pills.
They are long skinny buggers & they actually land in my M1S @ 2.418" & I would normally allow 0.010" jump so I would like for them to be @ 2.408" COAL.
HOWEVER, they will NOT fit in the mag unless I push them down to around 2.262" COAL (the 11.6g won't go that short due to powder-2.268" but I can still force them into my modified MagPuls & they seem to work if I don't fully load the mag).
For me a jump of 2.408"-2.262"=0.146" seems like almost 15 times what I would like for accuracy.
I'll shoot Sunday w/chrono & report back.
Bad time to be shooting subs as it's supposed to be 103* on Sunday.
What the hell.
If we don't try, we'll never know. Just hope my spread bridges the transonic barrier.
Will advise.

interceptor 07-27-2008 06:18 PM

I've no more of the 208's left to play with. Loaded all, have about 70 left, plan to let buddies shoot them as it seems everyone wants to shoot a supressed gun.

Bought some 220 SMK's and AA1680, I'll play with that next. This M1S upper... I've got nothing good to say about it so far. Might end up being a very short play toy.

I've gotta admit, I'm not one for load development. I really need to copy what someone else has already done and fine tune for my needs.

Pitt300 07-27-2008 08:29 PM

Shot 208s today & @ 100*+ & 29% humidity @ 100 yards -
4 shot groups from 16" M1S upper w/762SD can:
These all need about +11" of elevation to hit bull @ 100 as compared to 125g Supersonic POI.
9.4G-1103.1 fps 2.296" group
9.6g-1106.3 fps 1.594"
9.8g-1118.7 fps 2.493"
None of the above sounded supersonic

I'm surprised there wasn't more Vel difference from 9.4g to 9.8g

For accuracy thought I would load some supersonics & see how they shot:
11.6g-1278 fps 1.487" & it hit 8" low of regular 125g supersonic loads
Not bad.

Definately cheaper than 220g SMKs & I'don't think a hog will know the difference.
If BC is 0.648 (I wonder if this is correct BC for this bullet @ subsonic velocities?) then energy @ 100 yards should be about 527 or close to a 357Sig @ the muzzle.

Pitt300 09-11-2008 10:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Had to rezero so shot some 208s.
These are w/9.4g of VVN110 which had clocked @ 1106 fps in past but went Supersonic last night but still a good group.
Wasn't even that hot yesterday????

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