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porterkids 05-26-2008 12:24 AM

Custom 639 Buckmaster
This ia a 639 Fieldmate knife that was modified in the Buck shop to become a miniature size Buckmaster knife.



Mister Moon 06-15-2008 03:41 AM

Another great custom here ....

Ebay : Item number: 280235566633

snakedoctor 02-01-2009 11:30 AM

What are the specs on this knife?

porterkids 02-01-2009 04:29 PM

What kind of specs are you looking for? It's a standard Buck 639 that has been polished and had the hilt modified.

snakedoctor 02-01-2009 04:59 PM

Just woundering I have never seen an original 639 wanted to know what the size is blade,handle...

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