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-   -   Phrobis Modular Field Knife MFK (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=19)

Quarterbore 03-23-2005 09:57 PM

Phrobis Modular Field Knife MFK
I just received an E-mail from a visitor asking for more info on the following knife...

Here is the message that goes with the knife...


I'm contacting you on behalf off a friend who bougth one of these knifes in Califonia in the early 80's and would like to buy another one for his wife or hunting. I have searched everywhere on the net and only found one on e-bay but the scabbard has the top missing. You mentioned this knife in your articule and we were hopping you could give us some direction in contacting someone who would know where to find one. Any information would be helpful and appreciated.

Thank You




Quarterbore 03-23-2005 09:57 PM




Now, I have seen one other knife like this that I remember but it did not have the box and accessories like this one. I am pretty sure the last one was advertised as a Dive knife by Phrobis and I find it interesting that Phrobis calls this a "Modular All-Purpose Field Knife"

Does anybody have more information on this knife? Anybody have a guess what such a knife is worth?

I am sure this is the knife that they are refering to on EBAY.

Following is one picture from the auction that shows one of these knives disassembled. Photo used with permission of seller of knife...

EDIT: Knife Above sold for $102.50

In reply to the original message as posted above I got this answer from Porterkids a renowned Knife Collector and expert on these knives...


porterkids wrote:
The knife pictured in the previous post is a Phrobis Modular Field Knife or MFK. The knife came with three different changeable crossguards. The plastic pommel/tang assembly would be removed and you could change the guard. This was not a very durable knife, mainly due to the plastic tang. You often see these knives on ebay erroneously described as SEAL knives. They are not. The SEALs tried out, and rejected, a similar knife manufactured by Phrobis known as the Combat Utility Knife, or CUK. The CUK also had a short threaded tang but utilized a steel tang rod. The steel pommel was retained by a socket head cap screw. Both knives used the same, M9A1 style scabbard with the attached swiveling belt loop.

The MFK knives I've seen sell recently have gone in the $150-175 range. The CUKs seem to be selling in the $200-300 range.

McGowan 12-14-2005 05:19 AM

wow. .i've heard of those before, but i never seen what they look like. . .seem very inpressive

Quarterbore 12-14-2005 01:35 PM

Yea, they are interesting little knives and I have one in my collection but I don't use it. There is one ON on Auction NOW and I will be curious what that one sells for....

Walt 01-16-2006 11:47 PM

Actually, the auction you linked to is for a CUK, not an MFK.

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