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bor 04-27-2008 07:03 PM

Wich one?

Hi to all,
This is my first post here as a novice member.
I hope you don't mind my spelling mistakes (Dutchie :wink: ).

I like to buy a good and decent M9, a proper one for my AR15.
Prever a USGI sample as used by the forces.
Wich brand, generation etc would be the one to purchage.
It don't has to be the rarest collectors item.
Wich brand made the best?
Would you please be so kind to help me out in this quest?
Thanks and groetjes Rob:smile:

biboufab 04-27-2008 07:09 PM

See on ebay : Item number: 140148746949

bor 04-27-2008 07:39 PM

biboufab,thanks for your swift reply.
I checked FleBay and saw the item you pointed out.
In a split second I realissed that I wasn't clear in my first post.
Would love tho have the proper pouch and the best possible quality made M9.
I find the blade fith with a fuller(is that a proper word?)more atractive than one without.
But wich one is the toughest/strongest M9?
Wich brand made the best M9 so far.
Saw today in Ciney(Belgium) at a militaryshow, lot's of bogus M9's for about 50 to 80 euro's.
There was even a Smith &Wesson branded one for 100 euro's :eek:
Strange not one original USA made M9 all far East made samles.

Thanks and groetjes Rob:smile:

biboufab 04-27-2008 07:55 PM

Ebay here : Item number: 380021985668

porterkids 04-27-2008 09:50 PM

Hello Bor,

Welcome to the forum. I hope you'll find the information here useful.

If you are looking for a military contract M9 and you want a pouch then you have to get a Phrobis. LanCay never had pouches on their military contract bayonets. You will see them from time to time on their bayonets on ebay but these are strictly commercial items. The only Lan-Cay military issue bayonets with pouches were a very small contract for the Dutch.

There are a number of Phrobis M9 bayonets available on ebay at any given time. You should be able to get one in very good to excellent condition in the $100-125 price range. If you're patient you may even find one for less.

bor 04-28-2008 03:06 AM

Thanks biboufab and porterkids,for your replies.
The one biboufab pointed out on eBay is an atractive one to watch and maybe to purchage if the price is not to steep :wink:
porterkids,the info you give is very welcome also.
As far as I can see as a novice M9 site member,what I did read on this exelent site and the M9 site...I personly don't fancy LanCay or Lan-Clay M9's.
What I see on the pictures is a nearly crude made bayonet,even the stamping with there brand isn't that neat......
About the Dutch(Dymaco)contract bayonets, I never saw one. When I was drafted they still used FAL's and Uzi's as personal weapons.I was glad I only had to carry a Uzi,it was not heavy and it was small and easy on cleaning...

On the net I saw a discussion about that the M9 easely brake when in use?
Any expiriance or thought about that?

Thanks folks for your input.

Carlo 04-28-2008 04:04 AM

Hello Bor and welcome to the forum :welcome:
It is nice to see that the european M9 collector's community is growing :wink:
As for the Phrobis-Buck vs. Lancay, I personally prefer the former.
In my opinion the Phrobis/Buck quality is MUCH better......
Needless to say, if I remember correctly, at the time (1987) of the military contract the cost for one Phrobis M9 was approx. $50 ... in 1992 the cost for one LanCay was $9 (or $19, don't remember now) ... this should mean something......:rolleyes:

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