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porterkids 06-22-2008 12:41 AM

As you know, with a 3/16" Allen wrench you can have any color bayonet you want. To the best of my knowledge, the first contract LanCay bayonets were only made in OD. I do have some pieces with first contract fuller blades that were assembled at a later date with black components.

rexmeyer 06-22-2008 09:35 AM

As far as I have seen the early lancays only were in the od color..

m9er 06-22-2008 02:35 PM

Appreciate the info folks! Wasn't wanting one in anything other than OD just wanted to know what LanCay offered at the time.

porterkids: Your pic is an inspiration. I also try avoid the duplicates and only have a couple dupes in 1st contract no/fuller and 2nd contract bayos. Sometimes it just too hard to pass up a good deal. I figure if nothing else they are good trading stock. :smile:

rexmeyer 06-22-2008 08:25 PM

I too have a bunch of extras, of both first and second contract Lancays that I keep around. Of course you can never have enough.. I even have a few m-11's in my collection

Mister Moon 06-30-2009 08:22 AM

... my pic is not an inspiration :)


Carlo 06-30-2009 10:38 AM

Nice collection of boxes!
Is there anything inside? :grin:
Congratulations for your growing collection!

Mister Moon 06-30-2009 10:44 AM

..... the boxes are ... empty ! my BanK-AccounT .... too DART !


marine01 07-06-2009 06:14 PM

LanCay bayonet
Hello everyone, As most of you pro's know, I'm new to this forum, I have a question for you all, I see in the e-bay auction, item # 320393467488 LanCay bayonet with the fuller, can anyone tell me what contract this bayonet is and the year it was interduced to the military, also is this a good bayonet to add to my collection or do you think theres better out there and perhaps I should pass on bidding on it?, I'm not a big collector, don't have alot of $$$ for that, an being a disabled Nam vet, most of you know we don't get paid alot, but I do have the following Phrobis M9's...Chervron, flat top, early 3 line that say's M9 Phrobis lll USA, M9, Phrobis lll USA Pat. Pend, M9 Phrobis/buck+, M9 A1 Phrobis Int'l desert storm Commemorative, M9 Ontario knife co. USA Operation Iraqi freedom ( both Marine and Army)
And a M9 Ontario USSOCOM ( global war on Terrorism) and a few Lan-Cay's, such as LanCay with the step in the blade, improved 3rd marking, 4th markings 1996, but I know I also need the LanCays with the fullers in them both short and deep and long and shallow, and the LanCay without the step in the blade, I understand I have only scratched the surface of collecting, but everyone has to start somewheres right?...besides the question I asked above, can anyone tell me other Phrobis that are a must to have?, I understand there are tons of proto types to get, but for now I'm just getting the basic ones, that I can hand down to my Son who is also an Iraq war veteran....thanks everyone and I hope I? haven't bored you all to much, maybe atlease made ya smile abit...Guy

Mister Moon 07-07-2009 12:58 AM

.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...m=370217833529

Old-Smithy 07-07-2009 08:02 AM

Well now i am going to have to look for the Blue one, seemed to have missed that one, but then there are a lot more I dont have yet on top of that one, but it looks so perrrty :tongue:

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