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-   -   300 Whisper Brass formed from 223? (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1843)

Cold 04-06-2008 07:58 PM

300 Whisper Brass formed from 223?
I have read through QB's forming of whisper brass from 221 FB but I thought I could do it from 223. Is there a link or post where I can read how to do this?
Thanks guys...Im getting set up to reload however Im somewhat in the dark and want to TRY and get this right the first time.

320pf 04-06-2008 10:05 PM


This is how I am currently making my brass.



WhisperFan 04-06-2008 10:23 PM

All my Whisper brass starts as .223 brass. I like commercial .223 brass because MilSpec stuff has a thicker wall and the wall of the .223 becomes the neck of the Whisper.

pug 04-07-2008 12:07 AM

My operation is pretty much the same except I form before cutting to length. Basically I decap, clean, swage, form, trim to 1.355, debur and throw it in the box for loading. All stages are usually a seperate session except the trimming, deburring and throwing it in a box part.

jarhead1086 04-08-2008 02:13 AM

Hey 320PF, you haven't got your Dillon trimmer working yet? Mine works slick with the extended ram you lead me onto. From .223 to .300 in just 2 seconds and one stroke. I'm still scratching my head how the YouTube guy with the Dillon 650 got the chips to clear? I made almost 1000 this weekend. I tumble after trimming to remove any burrs and then deprime at the end because I hate media in my primer pockets. I'm taking my vacuum cleaner bag to the recycler though. I ran across a batch of Federal cases with .014" -.015" neck walls. The thickest LC I've found so far were .013". I wonder if Noveske would cut me a case gage? I never know if its my neck too thick or I need a small base die for the lower end if they are tight. I also loaded the buffalo and rabbit pics you asked for.

Cornholio 04-08-2008 03:43 AM

Could a Giraud be made to make short work of turning a .223 case into .300W?

320pf 04-08-2008 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by jarhead1086
Hey 320PF, you haven't got your Dillon trimmer working yet? Mine works slick with the extended ram you lead me onto. From .223 to .300 in just 2 seconds and one stroke. I'm still scratching my head how the YouTube guy with the Dillon 650 got the chips to clear? I made almost 1000 this weekend. I tumble after trimming to remove any burrs and then deprime at the end because I hate media in my primer pockets. I'm taking my vacuum cleaner bag to the recycler though. I ran across a batch of Federal cases with .014" -.015" neck walls. The thickest LC I've found so far were .013". I wonder if Noveske would cut me a case gage? I never know if its my neck too thick or I need a small base die for the lower end if they are tight. I also loaded the buffalo and rabbit pics you asked for.

I was at a match in AZ last week and I had a chance to stop by Dillon. I ordered a 1050 with a customized toolhead. When I get it up and running I will report back.

I use a Redding forming die for a case gage... costs about ~$45


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