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Quarterbore 12-14-2004 07:52 PM

FAL Receiver Differences: Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 photos
I have had a few people E-mail me asking what the differences are between the Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 FNFAL receivers. I consider myself a FAL beginner as well but following is some information that I am borrowing from DSA's Website that helps show the differences:

Type 1: Original production version of the F A L select fire rifle

Type 2: Essentially the type 1 with a little extra metal left in the rear half of the receiver. The extra metal was needed to correct a cracking problem that arose as a result of firing the type 1 in full auto mode.

Type 3: Final design that was adopted to cut production cost.

Inch type receiver (pic credit: Entreprise)

Following are words of wisdom from Blag on FALFiles.com:

From: http://www.falfiles.com/forums/showt...hreadid=101100

Type 1 is the original. It has a distinctive pattern of lightening cuts to lighten the receiver. Type 2 was introduced for extra-heavy-duty machine gun use in military service; they found that cracks would occasionally appear at the rear of the receiver in such use - they changed the cuts to leave some full-thickness steel in that area. Notice the rear scallop on the Type 2. From the civilian point of view, for semi-auto use, the difference is cosmetic. Type 3 omits the lightening cuts as a cost-saving measure. The Inch receiver has a different mag well lightening cut, but is otherwise like a Type 1. There are also differences in machining at the front sides, in the barrel thread area. That varies a little by both Type and manufacturer.

The inch/metric difference is significant - because of the difference in magazines - but otherwise choose the appearance, or price, you personally prefer.

Quarterbore 12-14-2004 07:52 PM

Here is a page from Century Arms that shows the differences between Inch and Metric FALs:


From: http://www.centuryarms.com/receivers.htm

Main differences between the FAL Metric and Inch pattern receivers.

Picture #1
The main difference between the inch and metric receivers is the cut in the forward face of the magazine well. (Picture #1)
The inch receiver (left) has a large machined slot. The metric receiver (right) has a smaller thumbnail shaped cut.


Picture #2
The inch receiver (top) (picture #2) has it's cocking slide track cut off (approximately. .300) to allow the cocking handle to fold down.
The track on the metric receiver extends to the forward end of the receiver. The cocking handle on a metric FAL does not fold down.


Picture #3
The inch receiver (left) (picture #3) has cut outs on the rear of the receiver to allow the dust cover to seat completely.
Metric dust covers don't have tabs on the rear so these cuts aren't necessary.


Picture #4
The locking tab on the front of the inch magazine (left) (picture #4) is shaped differently and is larger than the metric version.
Metric magazines will generally fit into an inch receiver but the opposite is not true.

Quarterbore 12-14-2004 07:53 PM

Here is another pic that shows the various receivers:


Want more info? Please visit: http://www.falfiles.com/forums/showt...hreadid=101100 and you will see where I got lots of these images!

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