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-   -   Second Imbel Build: Going to build a FAL Carbine (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=178)

Quarterbore 12-14-2004 07:49 PM

Second Imbel Build: Going to build a FAL Carbine
... on a DSA Type 2 receiver...


Second Imbel Build parts

Need 7-USA Parts:

1: DSA Type 2 receiver On HAND
2: US Piston TAPCO On HAND
3, 4, 5. Hammer Trigger Sear: DSA HTS FCG On HAND
6, 7, 8: Penguin stock, grip, handguard set On HAND

(Note: Have an extra US Part now!)

Extra Compliance Part:

I also have a US Muzzle Brake FROM TAPCO and an extra T48 Style hand Guard from TAPCO ordered. It was a mistake that I ordered these but I changed my mind about compliance parts after I ordered these... A good example of why you need a plan before you start ordering parts!

Also note that there is an extra compliance part associated with my second Imbel build. I will waite until I have all the parts to decide which part I will not use and then resell these compliance parts unless I come up with another project for them... :P

Imbel #2 : Project Costs

DSA Type 2 receiver $325
Dan's Grade 3 Imbel Kit purchased from individual: $150
Imbel Bipod cut barrel cut to 17-inches and threaded, gas port opened to .113: $95
Gas Pistons: $19.99
Hammer: DSA HTS set (3 parts): $64.95
STG bipod: $30.00
STG handguards: (Price not documented but est $30)
DSA PARA Stock Assembly w/ Bara Bolt & Springs: $395
DSA PARA Scope Assembly: $98

Quarterbore 12-14-2004 07:50 PM

Considering doing this kit as a PARA... following is an excellent looking PARA that I might just model my project after:



Special thanks to Jason who provided permission for me to use his images here.

Combine the photos above with one of the DSA Rail forend tubes and dust-cover Scope mounts as shown in the pic below...


... and you get an idea of where this project may end up... now if only I had the money I need :bangin:

Also, I asked on FALFILES about using a bipod with the DSA Railed tube and it looks possible with modifications... Still, that is another $240 investment for this project!

Quarterbore 12-14-2004 07:50 PM

Here is some additional info that I may need when I am ready to finish project:


Originally posted by Pa. Patriot
You will need to test before doing anything.

IF you need to touch the gas port consider the below.

In a nutshell:

A regular 21" barrel has a certain pressure impulse for a time duration equal to the amount of time the bullet is forward of the gas port and before exiting the muzzle.

When you shorten a barrel the impulse at the gas piston remains the same but the time period the impulse exists is reduced due to the shorter length of barrel between the gas hole and the new muzzle crown.

By opening the gas port you are increasing the impulse to compensate for the decrease in duration.

On a metric FAL you should not need more than .116 to .120 for even a 16" carbine with new recoil springs.

I don't recommend going larger than .120 Some have gone .125-.130 with no ill effect. I just feel that practice is not the preferred remedy. Fix the problem preventing you from using a .115-.120 port size.
The causes could be many and are cumulative and could be problems other than with the gas system (carrier/rails/recoil plunger/recoil tube/etc)

drill # size chart:

40 .0980
39 .0995
38 .1015
37 .1040
36 .1065
35 .1100
34 .1110
33 .1130
32 .1160
31 .1200

Quarterbore 12-14-2004 07:50 PM

Some links for the PARA Parts and build info:

General Para build advise

Looking for advise RE Para build

Para Top Covers

Modifying a receiver for a PARA kit and another thread

Interesting thread on scope mount covers that do not require modifying for para

Quarterbore 04-11-2007 11:28 PM

Well, it has been a few years but this past weekend I told the family I am spending a little quality time on a project. My Fal history is rather brief... Back before the crime bill died I purchased a few Fal kits but I held off until after the crime bill died to build. On midnight after the crime bill died I spent the night threading barrels on my AKs and AR-10s, adding collapsable stocks to my ARs and AR-10s and I built my first FAL, an Imbel on Imbel rifle.

Well, it has been several years sence then and I recently sold off two of my three FAL kits I had been storing (My G1 kit and my Grade 2 Imbel) but I saved one for this special Para build. I used part of the money from the kits and receivers to buy the DSA para parts I needed to build my Para and this past Sunday I finally put her together.


Obviously neither gun has been refinished yet as I wanted to get them both refinished at the same time so the parkerizing will match.

The Imbel Rifle was built on an Imbel Gear upper using one of Dan's Grade 3 kits. The compliance parts on that build include the grip, forend, stock, HTS, and Piston. The rifle weighs 10lb 4-oz.

The PARA was build on a DSA Type 2 receiver, US Piston, DSA HTS, Para Stock, DSA para bolt carrier. The barrel was a new Imbel bipod cut chrome linned barrel that was cut to 18-inches with a gas port drilled to .113. The forend is new STG grips and the bipod is also STG. The scope mount/dust cover is a DSA unit and it has a handy retainer in the top that holds the recoil spring for the Para bolt. The para weighs 10lb 6-oz (2-oz heavier then the full length rifle).

I have not shot the Para yet but I am glad to finally own a Para FAL. I had some interesting challanges stripping the parts from my Imbel Lower to allow me to use them with the Para stock assembly as I destroyed the latch assembly trying to get it out of the Imbel lower. So, I had to order a new one from DSA and it showed up today so I was finally able to complete the build.

Kinda sad as I expect these will be the only two FALs I will build but it was educational and I am anxious to test fire the Para and then send them to a pro for refinishing!

torquemada055 04-12-2008 09:01 PM

Para's are FUN!!! Ask me how I know, Please......

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