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Quarterbore 12-14-2004 07:48 PM

Sugested tools to build a FAL
Tools for the build:

I have been working to buy the tools of the trade to eventually get my FFL to do gunsmithing and fabrication work so this was a logical chance for me to buy some new tools for the shop. Following are tools that I have added for this project...

Lightweight Barrel Vise: Full Review here: http://www.falfiles.com/forums/showt...hreadid=115235

Receiver Wrench

FAL Timing Tool: Full review is here: http://www.falfiles.com/forums/showt...threadid=71131

I also have a set of 308 Headspacing gauges

After the build list of tools that were essential for build....

1. Tools listed above
2. HEAVY DUTY vise
3. Breaker bar with cheater pipe
4. Needle Nose pliers (front sight post removal)
5. Dremmel tool w/ fiberglas cutting wheel (cut split receiver stub as couldn't turn it off)
6. Chisel
7. Punch pin set
8. Heavy Hammer
9. Small-lightweight hammer
10. Nylon head hammer
11. Gunplumbers 2-video and book set
12. Imbel FAL manual
13. 1/4-inch grinding "cylinder" to fit lower to upper (minor adjustment)
14. Gunsmith screwdriver set
15. Tapco combination stock/grip tool (Problems: see WTB #2 below)
16. AR-15 Barrel Blocks
17. Torque wrench (Used to torque barrel vise bolts to 40 ft/lb)

Tools like an idiot I didn't have but needed... (AKA Shopping list for next two builds)

1. FAL gas regulator wrench (we cheated with pliars and used caution but really should have had this tool to ensure we didn't muck the parts... PURCHASED
2. FAL Grip tool (Note: I bought a Tapco Combo tool which had the center rod that was designed to be removed from the handle. The rod in my tool would not come out and we even stuck the rod into a vise to try to get it off... mucked up the tool and needed to assemble with a series of washers under the grip nut to get it tight with a normal screwdriver until I can get a new pistol grip tool...

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