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Titleiiredneck 02-03-2008 02:32 PM

making 300 out of 223 and 221 questions
Ok so i have a new rifle and 100 pieces of converted 221 brass.I didnot convert it but i was also given the 2 die redding set to make more. will i need a diffrent die to form 223 brass? what is the best trim die to use with 223 converted brass? what is the best trim method?

Ofcourse i would perfer 221 fireball brass but i cannot find any for sale at this time. If however i do find some whats the best trim die and way to trim this brass?

thanks again guys!,


crowminator 02-03-2008 06:57 PM

Look in the 300 whisper specific photos. There is a photo that will show you how to form brass using the redding 2 die set you have. You should have two tapered sizing buttons. One 270 and one 308 I believe. I use a wilson trimmer with the power adapter and drill, using a 221 fireball case holder

jjmcrowell 02-03-2008 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Titleiiredneck
will i need a diffrent die to form 223 brass? what is the best trim die to use with 223 converted brass? what is the best trim method?

Thats the die set I use with 223 brass. I remove the expander completely from the die when I neck down 223 brass.

Getting the 223 brass to the correct length... I don't use a trim die. I use a method somebody else on this site came up with. It's slow, but I can do it while watching TV, etc. in the living room. It basically involves using a small pipe cutter and cutting the 223 brass just below the shoulder. I then size the brass with the expander removed. Finally I trim with a normal case trimer.

I like to use Winchester brass, the side walls of the brass is not real thick.(Which becomes the neck of the 300/221)

I have found that Hornady or Frontier brass doesn't work well, it seems to have very thick side walls and the 300/221 brass then needs the necks turned.

I heard folks complain about Lake City brass, but I have never had a problem with it, other than having to decrimp the primer pockets.


From left to right:
Small pipe cutter
223 brass
brass after cutting with the pipe cutter
brass after running through the sizing die
finished brass after trimming

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