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redneckdan 10-10-2007 10:04 AM

Brass Bending
Here is how I go about making whisper brass from 5.56 NATO.

First the pic:

Far left is the virgin 5.56 NATO

1st Step: Use small pipe cutter to cut the case neck off just below the should.

2nd Step: Lube the case up with STP oil treatment, ram it through the redding size die with the .30cal button installed.

3rd Step: Trim to final length, my gun does best with a trim length of 1.350", normal trim length is 1.335"

jjmcrowell 10-10-2007 04:07 PM

Never thought of using a pipe cutter. I have resorted to using a piece of wood 3/4 thick and about 1 1/2 wide, drilling 3/8 holes though it then pushing the cases though until the buttoms are flush. I then use a jig saw to cut off the excess. I then trim to length and size.

I'll have to try your method, I could sit and watch TV while I cut brass. It would keep my wife's annoyance to a more managable level, instead of me holed up in the basement for hours.

jjmcrowell 10-11-2007 06:29 AM

The pipe cutter worked a lot faster than I thought and I was using a really old cutter. Thanks, I think I'll be using this quite a bit.

m21black 10-11-2007 11:15 AM

try keith davis,,, forms and sizes 300 whisper brass from once fired 223 brass... Still wish starline or some other manufacture would make brass or load ammo...

redneckdan 10-11-2007 04:47 PM

One of the reasons I own and shoot wildcats is making the brass. I just find it to be fun, especially finding a way to do it better. If I wanted to buy brass I would have got a .223 upper.

redneckdan 10-11-2007 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by jjmcrowell
The pipe cutter worked a lot faster than I thought and I was using a really old cutter. Thanks, I think I'll be using this quite a bit.

Just make sure you cut it as close to the neck as you can, it is possible to cut them too short. After a while you'll get a feel for how short to cut them and leave .005-.010" for clean up trimming.

m21black 10-11-2007 06:55 PM

I hear you about the fun of doing it... but if you shot an AR type or you just plain had several whispers to feed the Keith Davis option is a good one... Have fun with your pipe cutter it seems like a quicker method...

Northwestcajun 10-27-2007 01:18 PM

1st post, I'm the FNG...

This sounds really simple,
So you wouldn't need the redding trim die?

Could a dremel tool with the disk cutter work too?

I'd be useing NATO brass as well, do the necks have to be turned?

I'm doing reasearch to see if this will be my next project. I'd build a Oly flat top upper with 20" barrel. (The factory is only 10 miles away, I think I can buy direct)
I have a few months to figure things out, I'd want to use 125 NBT or Hornady SSP's and push them as fast as possible( 2400fps...right?)

Take care

Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler

m21black 10-27-2007 01:25 PM

I'm getting nearly 2400 FPS with a 16,25" barrel using speer 125 grain TNT's and there is no sign of high pressure. Not sure though that the 1:8 twist is the best for the shorter bullets? Might be better accuracy wise with a 1:12 or slower.

I bough an olympic barrel in the 300-221 a couple of years ago direct, she worked fine.

Tiffy 10-28-2007 12:07 AM

Size 223 without expander button, trim using slitting saw and piece of chamber in lathe, chamfer, pass through die again this time with expander button and decap pin in place.




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