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Barsmash 09-30-2007 09:36 AM

510 whisper???
Hi ,
I want to build a .510 whisper. I have been looking around on the net and I have found there is only one place I can have this done. I have found that SSK is the only one making the gun out there right now. Is there any one else making a .510 whisper gun? Any help would be great.

Spook 09-30-2007 12:47 PM

What action are you looking to build it off of?

Barsmash 09-30-2007 10:40 PM

I have a p17 action that i would like to use. I have it that is the reason why. What would you say would be a good action?

Spook 10-01-2007 09:55 PM

bolt head issues
The case has a rim diameter of .583 where it fits in to a bolt, as opposed to a .532 dia. on a standard magnum. You could rebate the bolt heads or open up the bolt face to accommodate the additional diameter..... or get a large Sako or Weatherby action. I've heard of Savage bolt heads being opened without too much issue, and it looks like the extractor will slip over the rim, but I havent tried it yet. I've also heard of the .510 being chambered on a Rem. long action.

I've had the reamer and a length of barrel for the better part of a year and havent had time to work on it. If you do a search there's some info about a man named Nick that can help get one done.

Barsmash 10-03-2007 10:33 PM

Who is nick
Who is this nick does he have an e-mail/phone #?

fireball168 10-06-2007 08:59 PM

If you're building on an M1917, get a P-14 bolt for it....

Barsmash 10-12-2007 01:11 AM

Why a p14 bolt?

Artful 10-20-2007 12:36 PM

P14 bolt is for 303 brit a case with larger diameter rim so you don't have smith your existing bolt - heck with that line of thought - change the barrel lockup to use a nut like a savage 110 and you can make a swap barrel rifle out of it - change barrels and bolts to change calibers.:cool:

Barsmash 10-21-2007 08:59 PM

More Help
Who out in the gun world can build one? IS SSK the only one? Can any one help me out? What about making a whisper out of the 50 alaskan case? If you down load this round you can hit sub sonic speeds with no problem.

Spook 10-22-2007 10:28 AM

Barsmash,50 EBG, 458 SOCOM necked up to 50 caliber, zero brain damage, dies available at Hornady, reamer available from PTGhttp://usera.imagecave.com/Spook/458SOCOM.jpg
Unless you plan to shoot AMAX's exclusively this case delivers milsurp subsonic just fine with reasonable accuracy.Several bullets available for supersonic/hunting loads.

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