John3 |
08-29-2007 07:42 PM |
New Corbon 300 Whisper Ammo
Corbon 300 Whisper sub-sonic ammo has been out of production for almost 2 years. I spoke with Corbon today. They plan to have new ammo with 220gr/sub-sonic loadings in production within 8 weeks.
They had originally been getting reformed 221 Fireball and 5.56 Military brass from an outside supplier, who stopped production abruptly 2 years ago.
They tried making their own brass for a while, from reformed 221 Fireball cases, but had the same problem I did (poor bullet concentricity = won't chamber). When you stretch out the 221 neck to 30 caliber, it's no longer stiff enough to smoothly and consistently seat a bullet dead-on straight. I've probably wasted >$100 in components and >40 hours of my time trying to make this work on 3 different presses with my SSK/Hornady die set. Plenty of phone calls to Hornady and SSK yielded no solutions.
Corbon claims they finally figured out how to reform 223 Winchester commercial brass to the right neck characteristics for dead-on bullet seating, while still fitting the tighter SSK chambers.
If you have an SSK upper, and SSK dies, like I do, this is really great news, since no other source has existed for a long time for reliable ammo or brass.