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GunNut105 04-25-2007 11:32 AM

RLL Select-Fire kit with 9mm host
Are any of you guys using a select-fire kit with your RLL in a 9mm host. I have been having problems getting my gun to fire in semi. It seems like the force of the bolt slamming shut just trips the disconnect. I kept notching the disconnect further and further and it still doesn't work. Any ideas??

beltfed 04-27-2007 09:50 PM

RLL Select fire kit
Very interesting problem, looking at my set-up I can move my link all the way back until it hits the rear of the lower and it will not move the semi disconnector. I don’t have a 9mm upper but with the way my disconnector is set-up I don’t see how the link could trip it in semi.


Quarterbore 04-30-2007 01:38 PM

It gives you semiauto when the link is removed, right?

Did you make the SF kit yourself? Are you sure you notched the correct disconect? Does it work with one of your 223 uppers?

GunNut105 05-07-2007 11:39 PM

Sorry, I have been away for a while.

The gun does fire semi with the link removed. I have not tried a 223 upper on this lower. It has a permanent 9mm magblock installed so i won't be swapping to a 223 upper.
I have a dedicated 223 lower that workes perfectly with the select-fire it that is installed.
Do any of you have a 9mm that works with the select-fire kit. I got a response on another site and the guy said that he had the same problems and just gave up on the select-fire kit (with 9mm)

Is it possible to notch the disconnect too far? I was careful not to file the area that engages with the hammer, but I did make a serious notch in the area that would come in contact with the link

beltfed 05-09-2007 08:20 PM

I don’t understand, or I can’t picture what could be happening. I could give you a measurement off my disconnector to get the correct depth of cut. I would still suggest if you have not tried this is to check the travel and contact on the disconnector. With the upper lifted up so you can look down into the lower push the link all the way back until it can’t move any more it should not have made contact with the left side semi disconnector.

Question with gun “ unloaded” in the semi position and hammer cocked pull trigger hammer drops hold trigger back pull bolt back to reset hammer and let bolt slam closed did trigger drop ?

The problem I have with this is that you’re saying the carrier is hitting the link so hard that it is somehow tripping the semi disconnector

I sorry if this is stuff you have already tried but I’m just trying to help.

GunNut105 05-22-2007 10:14 PM

I haven't had time to mess with it lately. The disconnect is notched far enought to prevent the link from tripping it when it is pushed back to the max.
The next thing I'm going to do is swap out the select-fire kit with a new one and see if that makes any difference. I have a select-fire kit installed in my 223 host and it works perfectly. It's just the 9mm that is giving me trouble.
Do you have any experience with the 9mm or just the 223? I got a reply from a person on another board that said he had similar problems with the 9mm. If it's just a straight fact that the 9mm won't be reliable with the select-fire kit...then I won't hassle myself. I'll just put a semi trigger group back in the gun and fire it full-auto only.

beltfed 05-23-2007 09:38 PM


Do you have any experience with the 9mm or just the 223?

No I do not have any experience with a 9mm set up I have a MAC I burn my 9mm through. It’s very interesting that you can move the link back all the way and not move the disconnector; but firing the gun something causes the disconnector to move. You have my curiosity peaked good luck. If you find the problem please post I’d like to know.
Have you tried subguns ?

GunNut105 06-01-2007 01:54 AM

Well, I finally got a chance to make a new select-fire kit. I dropped the new one in today and it worked perfectly. I guess the old one must have been worn in the area where the disconnect contacts the hammer. It was made with used parts, so who knows...
Anyway...I'm happy.....:uzi2:

John@JCDLESales 01-20-2008 05:18 PM

First off the 16 5.56 hammer is completely different than a 16 9mm hammer.

Since Colt is one of the only sources for the FA 9mm hammer and not so likely to sell you one. You might have to get a Rock River Semi Hammer and rework it.

Follow the linky:


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