MMA10mm |
02-19-2013 03:58 AM |
Animosity among calibers
I've noticed in perusing Arfcom that there is not a small rivalry/animosity between supporters of the 300 Whisper/Blackout and of the 6.8 Rem. SPC.
I happen to really like both cartridges and see them as purposed and useful for two different (though occassionally overlapping) applications. I see the 300 as the ideal short-barrelled and/or suppressed assault rifle cartridge. So, for special ops teams who need quiet precision fire combined with the flexibility of a useful 300m assault carbine (when not suppressed), or for maximum utility (terminal ballistics) out of a super-short-barrelled carbine/SMG (such as the Mk.18) for non-spec ops personnel, such as vessel boarding teams, armored crews, house-clearing, etc. I see the 6.8 SPC as an ideal full-sized or carbine (anything with a barrel 14.5" or longer) assault rifle cartridge with superior ballistics to the 223 without all the weight, recoil, and need for larger-framed rifles as the 308 would require. The 300 is maximized in a 10-12" barrelled SMG/Carbine while the 6.8 reaches its ideal at 16-18".
So, I think these cartridges compliment each other and rarely cross over to competing with one another. Is the animosity simply because they are the only two real (SAAMI-approved) alternatives to the .223, and there is a sense of competition for survival, or is it just childish/un-reasoned rivalry?