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-   -   Colt marked M7 quite curious (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=13817)

Misfit-45 01-04-2013 12:29 AM

Colt marked M7 quite curious
Did you see the colt marked m7 on ebay? 121044811428 Very similar to the Imperial/Colt M7, but it has a 90 degree back cut.
It also has a star burst peen like the WWII M4 bayonet.
Where does this bayonet fit in the scheme of things?
I also asked the seller if he would remove the handles to see if the cross guard was secured by a "U" shaped piece of metal and he said it was.
I thought I might bid up to $150, but it went for $252.
Any opinions?

Mister Moon 01-04-2013 06:45 AM

Hi Marv,
I've the same model http://www.ebay.com/itm/M7-Colt-Bayo...p2047675.l2557 . Not rare. It's the U.S. Made and not the german as this :

I paid mine 175 $ (i think).
Each month there's some (real) U.S. made Colt (without germany) on ebay.

Misfit-45 01-05-2013 05:10 PM

Mr. Moon,
With all due respect, I think the one you have is one of these.


The one on top is the so called Imperial/Colt with the Crinkled scabbard. The lower one is the same one assembled by Milpar. Milpar has its name on the cross guard.

The one I'm discussing is like this:



It's the two line Colt roll mark and it has a 90 degree back cut.

It also has a star burst peen on the pommel.


It also has the "U" shaped retainer like the two pictured above. (confirmed by the seller)

One thing I don't like about it is that the ears on the latch plate mechanism appear to be parallel to the sides of the plate. Most M7 finger levers stick out quite a bit from the sides.

It may be a copy or a fake, but it is not a common piece...at least I have never seen one.

More comments are welcome.

Mister Moon 01-05-2013 09:42 PM

Hi Marv,
Yes, i see now that i have one of your model put on the yellow paper.
About the "rare" cut blade, yes, it's true, it's the same cut that on my FZR.
Unfortunately, i'have any information for these M7 bayo. :frown:

Misfit-45 05-17-2014 02:11 AM

It's been a while since I posted. Since then I found another of these 90 degree back cut Colt M7 bayonets and I was able to buy it. It is virtually identical to the one I originally posted.
There are six differences in this Colt marked M7 and the Imperial/Colt M7.
1. It has a 90 degree back cut.
2. It has grips with the threaded bushing imbedded in grip instead of a loose nut.
3. It has a round hole in the tang instead of square one through which the "U" shaped retainer passes.
4. It has a star burst peen.
5. The ears on the release levers on the pommel are shaped differently and do not have the punch dot.
6. It does not have the two holes in the cross guard by the blade.

Mister Moon 05-21-2014 09:40 AM

....Photos ?

Misfit-45 05-22-2014 10:42 PM

Mr. Moon,
Here are some photos. They show the various differences that I have described above. Also, the grips on the 90 degree M7 do not have the hex screw holes as does the Imperial/Colt M7. Thanks






Mister Moon 05-28-2014 10:09 PM

Ok i see.
Thanx Marv

Misfit-45 01-31-2016 09:27 PM

Just for the sake of better documentation. I have noticed a 7th significant difference in the two bayonets described above. The font on the cross guard is quite different, especially the "M" in M7. The picture shows how much different the whole font is. The top bayonet has the curved run out, the bottom one has the 90 degree back cut. Thanks.


Misfit-45 09-22-2016 02:47 AM

Another forum member noticed something I had not noticed. Here's difference number 8. The Colt roll mark has a different font and the two lines are placed a little higher on the 90 degree Colt.


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