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skippy 11-22-2012 10:57 PM

Built an ultralight .284 on a remmy short...yeah it works better on a long...I have been reminded by an "older" fellow more than once I was "screwing-up". It weighs in at around 6lbs scoped, so I really do not want to change it. I have 139 , 140 , and 154 loads all worked up...the 154 has been the tightest as of now (55.1g 4831)...my only concern is, with all three bullets, I am seating WAY past the cannelure , almost to the "down-side" of the bullet. I do not have any need/desire to go any heavier on the bullet weight...but...I am a little concerned about how far I am going past the cannelure. Are there any bullets out there w/the ring up farther ?!?

TCCrewchief76 11-24-2012 05:26 AM

If you are on the shank of the bullet, show no pressure signs from the short COAL, AND it shoots good...I say go for it and enjoy your easy-carrying stick! :-)


skippy 11-25-2012 01:59 PM

They are still on the shank , and no issue w/pressure...I'm prob just overthinking it. lol

Rikky Lee 11-02-2013 12:07 AM

Yes you are. Stick with the 140s - Berger, Barnes or Ballistic Tip.

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