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-   -   HooRAAAA! I finally got it. (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1324)

cntrailrider 02-24-2007 06:40 AM

Gun nut you did get a good deal, especially with the selectfire kit included

I just saw this one on Sturm (not mine)


Kinda pricey, but it never hurts to make an offer. Also saw a Registered Receiver AR yesterday for not much more -


daywalker 03-03-2007 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by GunNut105
Yea...22lr would be a blast. Especially, running it through a can. I dropped an email to m60Joe and he said he is currently working on modifying the Ciener. I really hope someone gets it worked out.

Holy shit! That is my Ciener kit he is working on. He said to give him alot of time to slowly work on it. He has had for about a month but I will not even ask him about it until he has had it for 3 months.

Also, don't hesitate to use 9mm with the link IF you use it in conjunction with the KNS RLL Protector. Brooks over there said that 9mm used to break the links but the protector takes all the abuse instead of the link. It also helps to run a Q buffer with an extra power recoil spring. They take alot of wind out of the brutal 9mm blowbacks wind.


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