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Barsmash 01-20-2007 09:54 PM

Suppressor question
I have a 45 ACP and a 308 suppressor both from gem-tech and I would like to put one of them on my ruger 10/22 with a bull barrel. I know they can handle a 22lr round but my question is this. Would one be quieter then the other one? I really do not feel like getting another government permit for a .223 or .22lr suppressor at $200 a pop. Any one out there can help me? I know that eater one will help but is one going to be better then the other? I have a gunsmith that can thread the barrel for either one I just have to let him know witch one I want to put on. He did not know if one was better then the other. So I thought I would ask you guys. Thanks

Artful 01-21-2007 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Barsmash
I have a 45 ACP and a 308 suppressor both from gem-tech and I would like to put one of them on my ruger 10/22 with a bull barrel. I know they can handle a 22lr round but my question is this. Would one be quieter then the other one? I really do not feel like getting another government permit for a .223 or .22lr suppressor at $200 a pop. Any one out there can help me? I know that eater one will help but is one going to be better then the other? I have a gunsmith that can thread the barrel for either one I just have to let him know witch one I want to put on. He did not know if one was better then the other. So I thought I would ask you guys. Thanks

First is either suppressor you own able to be taken apart to be cleaned? The 22 LR is one of the dirtiest rounds out there. Having said that, the .308 can should be quieter than the 45 ACP can for .22LR. Keep in mind that you'll run the danger of depositing fouling when shooting .22LR that may cause the shooting of a .308 to malfunction and baffle strike. Not the best idea when you consider what you have invested in you existing can. I'd use only plated 22LR ammo if I was choosing to do this. - also keep in mind that if your using a full length (ie 16 inch barrel) you'll need to use sub-sonic ammo unless you want the crack of the bullet.

For what it's worth to me I'd save and spend the money on a dedicated 22LR can that can be cleaned (I choose Tac-65 as less then $400 w/tax) that way I only have a 4 ounce can on the end of the barrel and the performance is uncompromised.

WhisperFan 01-22-2007 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Artful
I choose Tac-65 as less then $400 w/tax

I've got a Tac-65 as well - they are pretty inexpensive. They don't hold the tolerances as well as some other manufacturers, but they don't charge you what GemTech does either

pug 01-22-2007 10:29 PM

I agree with Artful the 308 would be the quietest. The cans are usually designed to have a bore somewhere around .020" all the way around over bullet diameter to provide maximum performance so the tighter the bore the better. Too tight and slight axial misalignment will give you a baffle or end cap strike.

Barsmash 01-23-2007 12:24 AM

What about a .223?

m21black 01-25-2007 02:03 PM

Either of your cans will work but if it was I'd save up and buy a light weight 22 lr suppressor and be done with it. After all it's only money.

Artful 01-27-2007 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Barsmash
What about a .223?

.223 cans have same problems as you .308 or 45 can (can you clean it) - I purchased TAC-16 - as it easy to take apart to clean and sounded good but you also have to clean it out after you use 22LR and it weights a ton on the end of the 10/22 compared to the TAC-65.:cool:

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