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m9er 07-29-2007 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Culloch
Hi all!
I'm new here and have a query. I have an M9 similar to those in this thread in that it has the bead-blasted dark grey finish, its marked "LanCay" without the hyphen, it doesn't have a fuller and does have the step up in front of the guard, the "M9" stamp is over to the left and the sheath has the screwdriver/ wire cutter fitting and a sharpening stone on the back! The Nexus buckle is dated '92.
Could somebody here identify which model this is and give an approx idea of it's collectability and value.
Any help would be gratefully accepted!
Nice site you guys have here!

What you have is a later run first contract LanCay w/out the fuller like this one. The scabbard should be of the four slot variety.

Follow this link for some good info on the LanCay bayonets:

Culloch 07-29-2007 02:45 PM

Yep I think that's the same!
Any idea of the value?

porterkids 07-29-2007 04:27 PM

Sounds like an unfullered first contract bayonet. The first contract blades had what I call the bright (vs. black oxide) finish. All bayonets (military contract, that is) from the second contract on had the black oxide finish.

You didn't say; is the screwdriver on the end or the side of the cutter plate? Is the scabbard the older Phrobis style or is it the later style with only two loops and a hand grip?

m9er 07-29-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Culloch
Yep I think that's the same!
Any idea of the value?

The couple I have were less than $70 each, delivered. Hard to believe, but they seem to be going for the same price as the early 2nd contract or new production LanCays.

Ebay just had 2 new (unused) first contract LanCays w/no fuller for $100 "By It Now" and they did not sell. I bid $65 on them but it did not meet their reserved min bid. IMHO hey are worth $70 - $100 to the collector that wants one. I was just looking for a great deal. :grin:

Culloch 07-29-2007 06:34 PM

The screwdriver comes out the side, the sheath is I believe the older pattern with monting slots top and bottom.
Thanks for taking the time to help!

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