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Lawfficer 10-28-2006 01:35 AM

I Really Need Oal!!!! Please!!!
Well, with the Model One Sales upper in hand, I slapped it onto my Colt 6920 lower and went out shooting. I did all my reading, and having no one in the area with another .300 Whipser/.300 Fireball/ .300-.221/ 7.62x34 I had to somewhat guess what would work. So I grabbed a set of Hodgdon H110, as some of you all suggest and loaded up a series of Tester rounds.

So, my suggested load was 17.2grs of Hodgdon H110 sitting under a 168 grain bullet for 1,958FPS. So, with no OAL I think I got it somewhat close, and all were pressed to 2.238" OAL As no one has informed me otherwise. This was just off the lan the best I could tell, but with the way some stuck at this length I should have known better. I jacked a round into the gun, and then attempted to eject it, unfired. It required some tapping on the charging handel to get the gun to release.

So, not seeing any lan marks on the round I didn't know why it was sticking so I rechambered it and let the lead fly....

First round was 16.2gr, Underloaded of course with a lighter 165gr bullet. Boom.... Gun fired, round went down range, bolt slammed back. A touch harder then I think it appropreiate for an AR15 but nothing that would make you go "Holy Balls!". But I don't know if this is correct, as I have never shot a .30 cal AR15.

So anyway, inspecting my brass like a good reloader would, the primers looked ok, not flat or anything, the only problem I saw was the brass was flattened on one end. I attributed this to impact on my brass deflector. The other thing I noticed, which was slightly more alarming is it appears that the extractor was really yanking on the brass as it raised and gouged the rim pretty decently. Anywho, four more 16.2gr H110 loads down range, all the same effect and problems.

So, I figure I have over 10.0gr to go before I reach the suggested load so I jacked in 16.4gr H110 load. Boom, round goes down range, bolt slams about the same, shell comes out. Go to check the primer, and it's not there.

So now here is my delima. Is the load bunk and too hot at only 16.4grs, or is the OAL creating too much pressure and causing the problems??

I would really apperciate it if you all could help me trouble shoot this. What my plan is right now is to load some 15.6, 15.8, 16.0, and then some more 16.2's but lower the OAL. I don't want to be too far off the lans, but I think I am too long right now. I mean come on, The gun should cycle the rounds without me have to yank on the charging handle. So Im thinking about going to an OAL in the 2.215" range and seeing how that works.


320pf 10-28-2006 07:58 PM

I do not think that it is the overall length (OAL) of the round that is the cause of your problem. I had a similar experience when I first got my 300-221 fireball. I would suggest that you give your barrel a good cleaning. I found that my barrel had quit a bit of grease residue in it.

I need more info to answer your question any further.

1.) where is the gas port? pistol (~4 in up from the breach) or carbin (~8 in up from the breach)

1.) where is the gas port? pistol (~4 in up from the breach) or carbin (~8 in up from the breach)

2. Do you have an adjustable gas block or gas tube? I had a similar problem with my 180 gr Sierra GKBT. I was ripping the rims off the cases and blowing primers right and left. All of the problems went away once I installed a low profile adjustable gas block from JP Enterprise. It seems that without the adjustable gas block or gas tube you are getting too much gas too quickly to the bolt carrier group. This causes the rifle to try and extract the case while pressures are still pretty high and the case is still expanded and sealing the breach (before the bullet has left the barrel). That is why the case rims look like they have been pulled. Also when the rifle tries to extract the case too early the case head and primer become unsupported and the primer blow and the case head expands

Specs for the brass case length are variable... this is the nature of shooting a wildcat. Most for the references that I have come across list the case length for the 300 whisper at ~1.365 and the 300-221 fireball at 1.400 inches. The overall length is also variable... depending if you are using a bolt action or semi auto. In my AR15 I run with a OAL of 2.255

I have listed all of my loads at this web site:


all of the 180 sierra 180 gr boattail and winchester 147 gr data are my loads

If you have any more questions let me know...

Do not worry others have had similar experiences with this wildcat

Lawfficer 11-02-2006 08:14 PM

It was the over all length, and too much powder for a gun with a non-adjustable gass block. I know to clean the gun before and after shooting, im not an idiot.

Basicly, the round was too long(close to .020") and the charge was too great for the stock Model 1 Sales C.A.R. upper.

I solved the problem, thanks for looking at this thread, but no more answers are needed.

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