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coho444 09-09-2012 01:09 AM

Identification help please
2 Attachment(s)
I am new here with an M9. I am an active blade collector but plead ignorant on these knives. I picked up one of these M9 Bayonets today alongwith many other knives. I tried to research which model but cant seem to find info. Both sides at the base of the hilt are marked. First side only says M9 other side says U.S.A PAT. NO. 4,821,356

It doesn't say buck anywhere or Phrobis anywhere. What do I have? Thanks in advance.

Mister Moon 09-09-2012 05:49 AM

... produced in late 1992 to early 1993 (SPAIN)

HERE : http://www.m9m4.com/index.cfm?currentpage=21
For information, i bought one in 2009 for 355 $

Oldsmithy 09-09-2012 08:39 AM

A quick search entering the patent number into google came up with masses of information on these blades including the articles on this site:smile:

Mister Moon 09-09-2012 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Oldsmithy (Post 38375)
A quick search entering the patent number into google came up with masses of information on these blades including the articles on this site:smile:

HERE : http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1239

coho444 09-09-2012 10:04 AM

Thank you. Mistermoon . Most helpful. If you ever need Any blackjack knife questions or NFA questions please ask.

coho444 09-09-2012 10:06 AM

thanks now I know which model to look for

porterkids 09-09-2012 03:26 PM

I think the correct scabbard with the M9 only marked bayonet is an important part of the package. There were only a small number of the scabards without the Bianchi clip manfactured to go with these over-run blades.

coho444 09-09-2012 04:11 PM

thanks porterkids, The sheath that it came with has Buck at the bottom front. Stone is perfect on back. Is this not the right sheath?

porterkids 09-09-2012 07:12 PM

That's correct, this is not the proper scabbard for this bayonet. It is a standard commercial model (unless it has the Australian broad arrow mark near the BUCK).

coho444 09-09-2012 10:46 PM

thanks i do not see that mark anywhere. but it does show a slicing of the fingers under pouch lol.:eek:

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