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04-27-2006, 03:47 AM
just finished in 99cent wal-mart flat black for now. let me know what you think.




04-27-2006, 06:44 PM
looks great!! did you daisy chain the para-cord on the folder or just wrap it around? how did you secure the ends?

I am waiting for a friend of my to get his oven installed at his shop then we are going to powder coat mine and then it will be done finally. I would not dare use the wifes oven she would put me in it next.. lol

any way looks great congrats on your first build!!


04-27-2006, 09:27 PM
Is that one of the flats you bent using the jig? It does look really great!

04-28-2006, 04:14 AM
yes its one bent from your jig.....they all got great as a mater of fact..

the para cord is just wraped around. and its a little to thick. the folder dosent lock flat against the receiver..the lose end of the cord ends at the hinge end of the folder i was able to wrap it super tight there and kinda pinch it in its self then i used gorilla glue to fix it.. the other end is under the wrap and that goes all the way along the bottom of the folder to make it look thicker than it is......

06-29-2006, 05:40 AM
I noticed the blueing on the receiver you made. How did you get it that way? I'm pretty sure the flat didn't come that way :-> I'm wondering as I progress through my build how I'm going to blue / get the receiver blued.

07-09-2006, 07:32 PM
I just re-read your post that started this thread. 99 cent Wal-Mart flat black. pretty funny. It loks very good. Can you attest to its durability now? I imaging you primed it first, then sprayed it on?

07-11-2006, 01:11 AM
Pretty interesting that you used a FAL gas block. Did you use the FAL gas piston, or use the original piston? How and to what size did you drill the piston opening? 14 mm I'm guessing???

Any problems with the gas leaking around the barrel after the block was mounted since it isn't a tight fit?

Any other info would greatly be appreciated since I'm in the process of using a FAL sight/gas block to build a VERY short pistol.
