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View Full Version : Good, Accurate AR loads?

04-23-2006, 10:28 PM
I finished my .300 AR last week and have been shooting it daily. I am looking for a good, accurate load for 1 in 8 " twist. So far I have been playing with a Moly coated Speer 168 BTHP over 17 grains of H110 (is very reliable in my gun and shoots ok groups at 100 yards - every once in a while, I have an unexplained flyer) I have also been playing with a Lapua 200 gr Subsonic bullet over 9 grains of H110 (functions fine, but sucks for accuracy!) Anybody got a good pet AR load? My gun has a 16" Wilson barrel with 1-8" twist. What kind of accuracy can I expect with good loads. ( I may have too high of standards) THANKS!

04-23-2006, 11:59 PM
What do you consider a good group?

04-24-2006, 12:06 PM
1" or less at 100 yards. The 168 grain load will do that when it's not thowing flyers. I'm going to try a non-moly flat base bullet in hopes of more consistancy. I hand weigh each of my charges to eliminate that variable. I've been reading that the bevel base bullets may not be so hot for low velocity loadings, that stepped base is prefered. That's the reason I'm so dissapointed with the Lapua bullet, it is a 200 grainer designed for subsonic loadings! (It's stable and not key-holeing at 100 yards, just not grouping.)
Any thoughts?

04-28-2006, 10:22 AM
Found some good ones: Speer 125 g TNT over 20.5 g of H110 is a great shooter and my dissapointing 200 g Lapua bullets over 15 g of H110, seems the subsonic bullet worked better supersonic. Also playing with a 200 grain Barnes XXX (very long!), I'm just not sure the bullet isn't wobbly in flight.

ranger dave
05-12-2006, 05:29 PM
i love to shoot my 300 so i dont load a ton of the high coust bullets. my best load is 8g of 2400 with a 147g win fmj at $9 a 100 from midway usa this load is cheaper then most store bought .223:uzi2:

05-30-2006, 12:51 PM
Also playing with a 200 grain Barnes XXX (very long!), I'm just not sure the bullet isn't wobbly in flight.

Try shooting at paper at varous distances from up close to say 100 yards and see if the bullet holes are nice an round or if they show an oblong hole (yawing).