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View Full Version : MY small collection

04-04-2005, 04:27 AM
Having not been interested in these blades at all i bought the BCN commemerative blade and got hooked, and now have several blades, although i think only one is issue, having got the orange, and white handled ones, and others, hate to say i have got the bug. Most of these can be seen on my new additions page at
I shall have to pull all my bits together into one page, especially as i hope to add more items as time goes by, just annoyed to have passed on a couple of items in the past

04-04-2005, 10:27 AM
Welcome to the forums and thanks for sharing your knives! May I save your pics of the LanCay with the Molle II on the M9Bayonet.com website as I am looking for some better pics of that scabbard system.

If anybody has a correct USMC trials version I would really love to get some pics of one of those knives!

04-04-2005, 01:53 PM
Be my guest, only too pleased to help out. I have made up a page with all of my M9 variations - including the M11, and the marine OK3SC


it includes the BCN M9, the Iraqi Freedom, and several commercial variations

06-12-2005, 01:48 PM
Beautiful pics. Very clear. I've added your page to my favorites as a quick reference. Very nice collection.