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View Full Version : Vietnam Era Buck-184 ... Time Travel is Possible!

03-07-2006, 08:17 PM
Check it out!!! (http://www.qksrv.net/click-1671811-10381315?loc=http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll%3FViewItem%26item%3D6611534212&SID=buck184)

This is a rare early model. The only markings on the blade read BUCK 184 USA. The knife is in perfect shape . leg lanyard and pouch for the compass. This knife was used in Viet Nam and served me well. It is extremely sharp and in excellent shape. The handle has been wrapped with cord because you never know when you need some and a fishing line has been wrapped around the sheathe for fishing emergencies. There is also a needle and thread in the handle.

And here I thought the first prototypes were made in the 1982-1983 period... http://buck-184.com/ I guess I was wrong :nanabang: ... or perhaps this guy went BACK to Vietnam?

mr short radius
03-07-2006, 09:29 PM
In 1985, Dr. Emmit Brown invented the time machine out of a car and the use of plutonium. He tested the experiment in the parking lot of a mall. There is a very interesting documentary of the study called "Back to the Future." If he "used" it in Vietnam, he must have been a friend of Dr. Brown.

03-08-2006, 01:28 AM
Heir Docktor Von Braun would be proud of him. Not even he could pull that off even after putting Amerikas first satellite in orbit atop a military ballistic missle and slowign time down, Slowed but never reversed. Could it be that this blade's light has been brought to us from another star system far enough away to be from the sixties? Beam me up Scotty.

mr short radius
03-08-2006, 08:25 PM
Maybe, he was the real "true" designer of the Buckmaster back in the late '60s and he was ripped off. Thats probably what really happened, Buck stole the design form this poor fella. In that case, that knife should be worth a hell of a lot. The original, original. Did anyone ask him if he killed any gooks with it?

03-08-2006, 09:07 PM
I sent the seller a request for information. I asked if there was a compass in the butt cap. Also asked what the heck he was doing in Viet Nam in 1985, because the knife was made in 1984 or 85. His response:

No this was one of the first and the compass is in the pouch. As far as Veit Nam that was top secret.

Gotta love it :smile:
GSV-R800 (http://www.cyclechaos.com/wiki/Suzuki_GSV-R800)

03-08-2006, 09:40 PM
Bet my Uncle Sam didn't know he was there. Maybe he was from the other side? They were there in '85.

03-08-2006, 11:04 PM
I sent the seller a request for information. I asked if there was a compass in the butt cap. Also asked what the heck he was doing in Viet Nam in 1985, because the knife was made in 1984 or 85. His response:

No this was one of the first and the compass is in the pouch. As far as Veit Nam that was top secret.

Gotta love it :smile:

I have one of these with the compass in the butt cap... like others the compass just doesn't work so great so I actually have one of the Sylva Compasses I keep with the knife as well...

I love what gets posted on EBAY some times!

03-09-2006, 01:28 AM
Ain't it the truth.

03-09-2006, 08:31 AM
I see they changed their description and now we got a link out of the process... I wonder if the seller happened to click through the links and found our thread here? If so....
