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View Full Version : M9 in 440C?

01-30-2006, 12:07 PM
Please take a look at:


and let me know if anyone has info on this knife. I would love to have an M9 in 440c stainless even if it is a knock off. I just don't want to sped $100 on a kinfe in 440a or 440b. Some places list blades as 440c and when you get them you find they lied. You make a comment about it to them and they act as if it's no big deal. The deal is I know the performance of many steels, 440C being one I like-440a and 440b not so much.

01-30-2006, 04:02 PM
Your link doesn't work

01-31-2006, 12:27 AM
sorry, try going to tapco.com and do a site search for M9. It will be the only result. Thank you for letting me know.