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View Full Version : Please help me with an AR upper build

01-28-2006, 01:36 AM
I am new to the 300 whisper, but am interested in building a SBR in an AR 15 platform. I am wanting to build the most compact weapon that I can. Ballistically and functionally what is the shortest barrel that I should reasonably go with. This weapon will mostly be for concealment/protection, but I may want to pop a whitetail or two. I am not so much interested in the subsonic capabilities of the cartridge as I am in the cartridges better terminal ballistics from a shorter barrel than the 223 cartridge. Thanks in advance for your help, jwr.

01-28-2006, 07:47 PM
You might also want to look at the .30 Herret Rimless Tactical cartridge.
http://www.ar15barrels.com/calibers.shtml and

http://www.teppojutsu.com Look under "Products" then under "Whats New"

ranger dave
01-31-2006, 09:33 PM
I Would Not Go Below 12 Inch Tube To Keep It Relieable Are You Going To Put A Can On It