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View Full Version : Welcome to the new forums and WHY we are here!

03-24-2005, 10:49 AM
Greetings all!

I am guessing that I am going to be having people dropping in here from a number of my various websites as I move to consolidate my various forums here. The reason this is necessary is due to problems with my previous hosting and hackers that just like to screw with other people. As I watched three of my forums go down over the past four days I finally figured out it was time to find a better home!

I don't want to say that this new forum and host will be immune to hackers as I have come to the conclusion that if they want to make me pull my hair out that they can and will do it! I just hope that this new home has the tools to allow me to make it tougher for them and make it easier for me to get things back up and running when we do have a problem!

I have spent a pretty good chunk of money to get things started and I have a great deal of work that still needs to be done. If anybody here happens to be a pretty decent Linux programer I really could use a little help setting up some redundency backups to off server locations. I don't have a great deal of money as this was a hobby thing until some hackers made it personal but doing things half assed isn't the answer either!

Best Regards,
Ken (AKA Quarterbore)

06-15-2010, 05:17 PM
Sorry about all the trouble. I seems the freedom we have to be able to discuss what makes us happy is also available to any straight-jacket with a computer.
But thanks for the persistence, for those of us with similar enjoyments its a welcome haven.


Kurtis Dwight Davis
01-14-2011, 05:03 PM
I wanted to say thank you so very much for listing '420 on another website (m9bayonet). Last August Mr. Bill Porter was sent a documented presentation of what I have to say. I hope eventually you can view correspondence to me from the original M-9 manufacturer---the one where he says he won't produce my impact resistant, modular design, because "it's designed for the purpose of fighting". No kidding. Ask Mr. Porter for copy. I might also say after all these years, you were not supposed to know what a bunch of clowns in United States Army Laboratory Command did, with regards to my just claim of infringement, because they were too damn stupid to ever count on these computers developing as they have! But you know the old saying: "the truth always comes out in the end". By the way; Mr. Finn isn't around to dispute anything these days.

Mister Moon
01-14-2011, 09:57 PM
'420 on another website (m9bayonet). ???

Where is it ?

Kurtis Dwight Davis
01-15-2011, 10:41 AM
M9 Bayonet.com

Kurtis Dwight Davis
01-24-2011, 09:00 PM
Please be advised personal correspondence from the original M-9 manufacturer is now available on this website. Go to photoserver, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and look under recent photos (click on image to enlarge). This response was received in answer to solicitation for license agreement of U.S. Patent 4,458,420. Other correspondence from the U.S. Army, about the same date, also declines interest in '420. Here is evidence of a very unique, untold part of the M-9 bayonet history, available only on "Quarterbore".

01-24-2011, 10:45 PM
Thanks, Quarter bore
I joined this site because I've been reloading and tooling weapons since I was a kid. At 13 I was given a Smith and Corona 03A3 in need of a rebuild for my first deer rifle. So I learned to shoot with peep sights, cause mowing lawns just wasn't going to buy the optic I thought I needed. I'm 7th gen U.S. military and a combat vet. I grew up shooting and hunting in Orange County NY I now live in a free state AZ. I feel talking and sharing with other about our common bond is important.