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View Full Version : Barrel length recommendations?

04-10-2011, 09:55 AM
I had SSK make me a 300 whisper encore barrel 26 inches long. I love shooting paper and hunting deer with it. Now that I am loading subsonic for it, I want to get Jones to build me a suppressor also. I just couldn't stand that my pal Riverguide has a suppressor and I don't. :grin:

So, you encore and bolt gun guys please help me. Remember, I shoot lots of supersonic loads also. Is there a barrel length that would be fine for both supersonic and subsonic loads. Or should I just order another barrel thats a shorty and put the suppressor on that one.

Last year I hunted and killed deer with both supersonic 150 Nos BT and subsonic 225 outlaws. I never changed the scope setting from my supersonic settings but know the bullet drop on the subsonics from the many rounds shot at the range. I hunt in the woods and 100 yards is my maximum range but all deer killed this year were under 50 yards which is about normal where I hunt.

So what do you folks think or should I just get Jones to another shorter barrel for subsonics?

Riverguide, I come home in late June. We will have to play with the Whispers. I want to check out that fancy scale you bought.

04-10-2011, 10:38 AM
If it were me, I would get an 8"ish barrel. You have a 26 for your supersonic stuff. Use the 8" for subs. With the suppressor on it you're going to add at least 8" to your OAL. If you are only shooting out to 100 yards at deer any of the Outlaws will do the trick. Check out the new ones by the way. A 16 inch gun would avoid the tax stamp and be a good dual duty gun, but if you're going to do that I would just cut down the 26" barrel down and have it threaded for the suppressor

04-10-2011, 10:48 AM
My point of view: if you are already hunting with a 26" barrel, and it works fine for you, why not just get a 16" barrel for subs? With the suppressor, it will be about the same length as your 26" barrel. A 10" barrel is a good bit louder than a 16" barrel, and it has been my experience that it may or may not stabilize subsonic rounds. Just play it safe and go with 16-18". You will probably end up using it as your go to barrel for supers/subs anyways.

04-10-2011, 01:36 PM
There are so many better options out there for cans. SSK makes a good can, but you can do a lot better. Think Shark or Thunderbeast.

04-10-2011, 03:27 PM
There are so many better options out there for cans. SSK makes a good can, but you can do a lot better. Think Shark or Thunderbeast.


My prefrences are SWR, and well pretty much anything but AAC . :smile:

04-10-2011, 04:37 PM
I appreciate all the help given to this subsonic newbie. I think I am going to get another barrel and have it made 18 inches long and just use it for subsonic. I also looked at all the different suppressor makers you recommended. It appears the biggest advantage to the Titanium suppressors is weight savings followed by strength. Since my fire rate is kinda slow with a single shot, my guess is the extra strength is not necessary for my needs. Another question comes to mind. Do stainles suppressors weigh about the same per inch as the heavy barrel stainless encore barrel, or less? I am asking as I wonder if the 18 inch encore barreled whisper will feel muzzle heavy out of ballance with a stainless steel suppressor on. Thanking everyone in advance for steering me right.

04-10-2011, 05:10 PM
I would also check out the offerings from SAS. Tim Humston makes a hell of a suppressor for the money. You can get them either direct or through Randy Pennington @ MHSA.

As for barrel length . . . . Do you want to have an NFA item? If that doesn't botheryou I vote for 8-9 inches. If you don't then I think 16" is plenty long.

04-10-2011, 05:12 PM
I am asking as I wonder if the 18 inch encore barreled whisper will feel muzzle heavy out of balance with a stainless steel suppressor on. Thanking everyone in advance for steering me right.

With the SSK suppressor the answer is yes. They are descent suppressors but they are heavy. There are better choices. I have one and like it, but if I had it to do all over again I would have gotten something different. I run a AAC Cyclone on most of my .30 cals. SWR Omega 30 is another good one. http://www.swrmfg.com/Rifle-Suppressors/swr-omega-30.html
If you're only running subs you could go with a 9mm suppressor, but a good .30 cal can is the best option. You can run it on 5.56 or whatever. Call Major he'll hook you up and has no allegiance to any one manufacturer. A lot of dealers petal what they have regardless of quality. Take your time and read every thing you can. The Cyclone and the Omega are both equally good suppressors. SWR manages to make suppressors without pissing off anyone, so there's something to be said for that.

04-10-2011, 05:18 PM
I appreciate all the help given to this subsonic newbie. I think I am going to get another barrel and have it made 18 inches long and just use it for subsonic. I also looked at all the different suppressor makers you recommended. It appears the biggest advantage to the Titanium suppressors is weight savings followed by strength. Since my fire rate is kinda slow with a single shot, my guess is the extra strength is not necessary for my needs. Another question comes to mind. Do stainles suppressors weigh about the same per inch as the heavy barrel stainless encore barrel, or less? I am asking as I wonder if the 18 inch encore barreled whisper will feel muzzle heavy out of ballance with a stainless steel suppressor on. Thanking everyone in advance for steering me right.

Personally I would do 16.5, there is no advantage with 18" except with supersonic and thats only about 25-40 fps mabye.

My swr omega 30 is 8.75 inches and 25 oz so thats 2.87 ounces per inch

when I run my 9mm can its around a ounce per inch, and its also a heavy duty 9mm subgun can.

You can use either with super or subs fyi, milage may vary on 9mm cans but most of the heavy duty f/a rated cans will handle supersonic whisper just fine.

04-10-2011, 06:17 PM
Anything from 8-16.1 inches.

1:5 to 1:8 twist would be good.

AAC Cyclone silencer would be hard to beat.

04-10-2011, 06:28 PM
16.5 inches it will be. I am going to have my 26 inch cut down, Hope I don't cry. Now, I need to call the major and let him sell me what's best for me. Pretty certain I am going to get a .308 can so I can play with other calibers besides the whisper.

04-10-2011, 06:43 PM
Good Man.:grin:

04-10-2011, 08:18 PM
Why 16.5 and not 16.000? True it is good to be able to recrown it a few times, so I do 16.1.

04-10-2011, 11:38 PM
Why 16.5 and not 16.000? True it is good to be able to recrown it a few times, so I do 16.1.

Just a easy measurement and just .4 more. Crowns need to be fixed and sometimes threading also which the extra can allow for, besides what if you need to set back or rechamber it will just more room for the machinst to do his/her job.

Also after talking to numerous BATFE agnts in my job and on the range I have decided ts best to go over since some agents like to measure from the bolt face and some like to measure from the end of barrel shank, eventhough the BATFE states its measurement is from the boltface, just a fyi... makes .4 more worth it.

04-11-2011, 08:35 AM
Thanks for everyones input. I want 16.5 barrel as it will give me a little wiggle room should the need arrive for any changes to the muzzle. I am very excited. Currently I am in Uruguay at my hunting lodge. I come home for a couple of weeks at the end of June. I am going to send my SSK barrel off to be cut down and threaded, start the ATF paperwork process, and talk to the Major and get whatever he feels is right for my needs. Hopefully everything will come together by next November's hunting season.

I just bought a used Thompson barrel in 24 inch from one of the guys on this board to dedicate to shooting Supersonics. Life is grand. Now I don't have to remember differences in bullet drops between the fat outlaws moving slow and skinny noslers hauling azz.

04-11-2011, 06:56 PM
I have to admit that the SSK can I have on the end of my 16" barrell is heavy and long. I have not measured it but the can is at least 10 inches long. I never thought about adding extra length to the barrell "just in case" but live and learn.

I will get around to posting pictures at some point. I went with SSK becase I wanted one from JD himself. Something about having their engraving on the side and their can on the end gives me a little peace of mind. It's a really good looking setup. This will not be my last one and will look at the other cans that are suggested here.

Happy Shopping!

Riverguide :grin:

04-11-2011, 07:23 PM
I am very tempted by the titanium cans, light and stronger. After you look at the $ spent on the rest of the gun, scope, barrel, tax stamp, reloading equipment, heck what's an extra $500-$700 extra over the cost of a steel can :rolleyes:

04-12-2011, 11:46 AM
So two different approaches here.

I have two CZ-527's

On is a 300/221 with a 11:1 barrel twist, no can attachment and a 24" inch barrel and a laminated stock which I don't like. I paid less then 800 for it and it works GREAT. This is my supersonic go-to gun and proved itself leathel on two whitetails with Nossler 125 grain's.

My other is the new SSK 300 Whisper with a 16" barrel and big a$$ can threaded on the end. 8:1 barrel twist and it cost me more then three times the money as my first (with the can). This will be dedicated mostly to subs.

So you have one gun with two barrels and i have two guns. Next is going to be an AR platform with a ???. Well, I am still thinking about this one.


04-12-2011, 04:23 PM
:smile: SSK encore Whisper rifle along with a herd of other barrels.

The used 300 whisper barrel I bought the other day is for a Contender I bought last year. I now have a herd of contender barrels also but the whisper is the only rifle barrel.

I expect the Contender will be sporting the Whisper yearly from Nov thru Jan. Off season,,, I have fallen in love with the 22 hornet pistol barrel.