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View Full Version : Help me with "First One"

09-19-2005, 11:29 PM
Hi knife newbie here, I am on the market for my first M-9, I think they are awesome in comparison to the old M7s I'm used to seeing.

I can get either LanCay or Ontario for about $95.00 which would be a better deal or is it like comparing a Ford and a Chevy. (personal preference)

I really dont want to get a copy for my first one because then I will always be wondering how good is a real one.


lee cousens
09-20-2005, 09:34 AM
Well JIM spend a liitle more and get a quality piece like a BUCK or PHROBIS, these are more like a FERRARI than a CHEVY $100 - 150, you wont regret it. :welcome:

09-20-2005, 09:43 AM
I would ask what you are planning to do with the knife... If you own an AR-15 and you will not likely really use the knife and you want it more for looks and you want one that looks new the LanCay or Ontario M9s are great.

If you want a knife to use as a camp knife and you will use it the a used M9 is a good way to go... If you watch ebay you can find a number of used surplus Phrobis M9s. These have great steel and sharpen very nice. The same would apply to the Bucks but the Buck M9 tends to sell for more money then the used Phrobis stuff but it is also often in better shape. Remember that the Phrobis and Buck M9s are the same steel and components (for the most part).

It is all a matter of personal preference but I like my Phrobis M9s best...

09-20-2005, 10:21 AM
I agree with Lee.
The Buck and Phrobis are "the" M9s.
In fact I decided not to invest anymore on LanCay or Ontario, as the Buck/Phrobis quality is much better.
As a footnote: if I remember correctly, during the Army contracts the price (not for commercial sale, but for the public procurement, i.e. what the Army had to pay to the manufactorers) for a single M9 bayonet was:
-approximately $50 for the Phrobis (1986)
-approximately $10 for the LanCay (1992), and that's why they won the contract over Buck.
So this $40 difference MUST, in my opinion, mean something.......

09-20-2005, 08:21 PM
Hey, that's a lot of great info, thanks. I guess what I get out of it is that the Buck and Phrobis are the "real deal" and LanCay and Ontario are a good but not the cream of the crop. Since I have not actually seen one in person I will get a showpiece Ontario or lanCay in black for my AR and a M9 replica to beat up around the range or camping. Who knows I will problably end up getting a little collection myself one year.

Thanks again