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View Full Version : Remington 30-06 Modle 700

09-17-2005, 10:16 PM
I let a friend.... barrow my rifle. When I got it back this is what it's doing now...
To get the bolt to full battery, I have to pull the trigger a little. Then when the bolt is locked down, It will not fire and I can't get the safety on, and the bolt will not stay in the locked position.... What did he do and how can I fix this problem? Please help...

Thanks, :mad:

09-17-2005, 10:30 PM
I hate to say it but I think you need to take this to a gunsmith and I would not force the issue with closing the bolt... Did your friend try to help you adjust the trigger? I know if I was looking at the rifle I would look at the trigger mechanism and check if there is a problem with the sear engagement...

Can you tell if the bolt and the firing pin is being pulled back when you clost the bolt?

Is there any signs of damage to the bolt face or the chamber and recoil lugs?

Like I said I think you need a gunsmith look at this... sounds like this is a friend I would not be lending a gun to again...