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View Full Version : Poor man's FAL: Cheap parts?

09-14-2005, 12:22 PM
I've been looking at FALs for a while, and I snagged a cheap kit a while back.
Compliance-wise, it appears to my untrained eye that I need 7 parts to make it compliant.

I've been browsing around looking for deals on US parts, and all I've seen so far is:

Tapco gas piston for $28 shipped

Cheap CAI buttstock $ 17.99

Cheap pistol grip and and foregrip (plus some new springs): $49.99

Short US muzzle attachment: $9.99 for hotlist members

I figure the FCG would be another 3 parts, but I haven't tracked down anything cheaper than DSA for that...

Any current deals out there that would beat these prices?
I know I'd still have to track down an elusive receiver, but that's another thread....

09-14-2005, 01:20 PM
If you want cheap US parts the seconds Pengun stocks are real cheap ($30) for all three furnature parts...


I have blems on mine and for a gun that I don't baby it is fine... when I stop my spending ways I canalways upgrade my furnature...

As for the HTS... yea that is tough... as you see I ended up buying DSA as I like a good trigger but it kinda sucks as the original Imbel group felt much better then the US DSA group!

12-09-2005, 05:33 PM
I was looking for a cheap receiver, the DSA ones are being quoted at about 325 each right now.
Any other sources anyone knows of off the top of your head?

06-27-2006, 12:39 AM
try GUNSNSTUFF.COM they used to carry imbel ( brazilian imports) for about 200 and they had a US made cast one from Dan CoonanArms for about the same. only other manufacturers that I know of are Hesse ( not recomended) and entreprise ( also not recomended) there are a number of places that carry the Imbels. DSA is Quality and US made ( a compliance part) and has various "types" ie: type 1 type II or type III ( has to do with the "lightening" cuts and final machine work) for the people concerned about authenticity.

06-27-2006, 10:48 AM
Funny to see this old post up near the top....

For those intereted in FAL kits, Dan's has kits again for $139 Shipped... For those that don't know, these are very nice looking Grade 3s with some comming close to Grade 2.

Here is the link:


I have all the FALs and FAL kits I need but if I had a little money to invest I can see these climing in value pretty quickly in the years to come.