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View Full Version : What project were you working on when you decided to build a 300.

01-28-2011, 09:57 AM
This is my side cocking AR-10 with:
16in 1-10 med contour stainless match barrel
4-14 MK4 leupold
I wanted a side charging AR to manually cycle subsonic rounds.I was looking for a .936 adjustable gas block when I rediscovered the 300 whisper round. That is when I decided to build a Pro Hunter just to have something different. I own two ar15's and two ar10's and several others.

I would like for other members to post their projects or gun collections here to see what members have experience with certain guns. And most important of all Why did you build a 300?

01-28-2011, 10:19 AM
Two older projects.

01-28-2011, 10:33 AM
This is my side cocking AR-10 with:
16in 1-10 med contour stainless match barrel
4-14 MK4 leupold
I wanted a side charging AR to manually cycle subsonic rounds.I was looking for a .936 adjustable gas block when I rediscovered the 300 whisper round. That is when I decided to build a Pro Hunter just to have something different. I own two ar15's and two ar10's and several others.

I would like for other members to post their projects or gun collections here to see what members have experience with certain guns. And most important of all Why did you build a 300?

Hey Mag,
I like the side cocking AR-10. Have you thought about installing an armforte ajustable gas tube to (shut in) the gas of your subsonic rounds. I have installed one on my ar-10 and ar-15. I did remove the valve from the gas tube it came on,
and reinstalled it on my original so I could position it with the hand gaurd I was using. They come set up for A2 hand gaurds.

01-28-2011, 11:13 AM
I did look at the adjustable gas tubes but the idea I had for this gun was to use a 45 degree mount on the left side of the gun with burris fastfire redot site sighted in at 100yds for subsonic and manually cycle it. Then pop in a 20 round clip of supersonics and use the 4-14 to rock and roll out to 400yds. Im not trying to get it to cycle with subsonics. I was trying to go from as silent as possible(not even the sound of a bolt closing) to OH Shit ya found me.

01-28-2011, 11:22 AM
I would like to see your setup. Regulating gas on semi autos has been a problem. I have the dpms sass rifle and shooting it with my cyclone is punishing with a mid-length gas system. My 16in has a rifle length and is not quite as bad.

01-29-2011, 12:59 AM
I use these valves to fine tune supersonic loads, as well as shut them off for subsonic loads. Both rifles have 20" barrels 15=5.56 10=.308 with standard rifle length gas systems and are set up in a DMR style. I custom installed the valves with a end mill, and as you can see the AR-10's barrel has a keyway milled into it at 12' oclock. The barrel of the AR-10 has a bit of gerth behind the gas block.

01-29-2011, 01:31 AM
I dont post my toys but I went with the whisper/blackout because originally found one cheap as hell locally after katrina and bought it. Since then I have had over 7 and currently working on a howa 1500 I had spook chamber up. Next will be either a 30hrt or a 338 whisper or 338 spectre bolt gun, possibly a switch barrel :)

01-29-2011, 01:36 AM
Here is a picture of my carpet. I think I am lacking in the rail department though!

01-29-2011, 07:32 AM
Thanks for posting. I have read the entire forum and found that there are no picture threads say for Just Bolt Guns or Just for semi's. I was wanting people to post their projects so that I could use their experience to further my own projects. Thanks for posting Dick. It is good to see someone who is not scared to cut and modify their own guns. Nice carpet by the way but in the bottom right hand corner I think I see a foot. Need to work on that.

01-29-2011, 07:36 AM
Titleiiredneck please post toys. How are we suppose to educate the masses?

01-29-2011, 07:45 AM
All these semi-autos and my favorite gun is a single shot breakaction 300/221

01-29-2011, 02:37 PM
The project I was working on when I decided to get a Whisper was a 1952 Studebaker truck. This is it in primer.

01-29-2011, 04:41 PM
58 Apache, I figured I'd need something to hold off the enemy while changing belts on the 1919:smile:

01-29-2011, 06:23 PM
Titleiiredneck please post toys. How are we suppose to educate the masses?

Cant say that I want the masses to know my inventory, lets just say I have some fun stuff and leave it at that:smile:

01-30-2011, 04:14 PM
I had just wrapped up a 223 AI bolt gun when I decided to make a switch barrel.

01-30-2011, 06:05 PM
I do understand not wanting to post your inventory. If I was to post my entire inventory and say my neighbors could identify me through this website as someone who has an entire room full of guns. They might think Im a little nutty but at least Im not obvious. Well at least not as obvious as someone with a bright red truck with a 1919 mounted to it. That just rocks.
And I also have a 1919 in the family.
I would really like to see a 300 revolver to just shoot supersonic 110 sierras. I know there are better pistol rounds but it would be nice to have a pistol/rifle combo.

01-30-2011, 06:42 PM
I think a revolver would be pretty cool too, but apparently there is a problem with bottle-neck cases backing out and locking up the cylinder.

02-15-2011, 01:33 PM
I think a revolver would be pretty cool too, but apparently there is a problem with bottle-neck cases backing out and locking up the cylinder.

im pretty sure if ruger can make a rimless revolver and so can gary reeder then a rimless bottlenecked cartridge would be no problem

02-16-2011, 11:30 PM
Actually was taking a break from bolt rifles for hunting larger game. Last one was a .376 Steyr on a 1909 Argentine action. Is what I call a practical build ... cheap composite stock, custom scope mounts, FN left side flag safety, timney trigger ... pretty simple stuff. Is still waiting to be rust blued.

Have done two 6.8 SPC II ARs both with lightly used barrels. One is a 16" ARP Socom profile middy gassed. The other is an 18" WOA fluted medium heavy barrel. Both have YHM rails. Both shoot well.

This rifle stuff is addictive and I have more time than money.