View Full Version : First AR/300build....any tips?
Mike Bell
01-07-2011, 10:11 PM
:nanabang: First build about to start....Starting with a DPMS lower and a TP555 barrel in the pistol position. And Im going to get one of his adjustable gas blocks to go with the barrel. Gun will be used for both sub and super sonic but primarely super. Maybe switch to subs when a supresser can be obtained one day...:twoguns:
Any 300/221, whisper, BLK, problems I need to know about before ordering parts? And another question....can yall name a few parts suppliers besides Brownells and Midway?
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So far, my list includes:
lower build kit w/MOE stock and tube from Palmetto State, and a stripped flat top upper also, all for $210.
Upper parts kit w/handle for $36 from DPMS
Bravo Co. Bolt carrier group for 130 and a MidWest Ind. SS12" HANDGAURD FOR 149.95
And the adjustable gas block and tube from TP555 will be arount 80 or so I think.....
Cant think if Im forgetting anything or not.... What do you think?:cool: ya's na's what?
01-08-2011, 03:15 AM
I have had great success on mine with a rifle buffer with the internal wights removed to take the weight down to = a crbine buffer, I think it was around 1100 gr. and my gas port is drilled to .116" the same as the ID of the gas tube. I fire super & subsonic rounds just fine.......Good luck,,,,your gonna love it.
01-08-2011, 02:00 PM
:welcome: to the club.
I would recommend getting the case gage along with your barrel from tp555/Paladin. This will make reloading easier. Also, you will need a shorter gas tube with the adjustable gas block. I would also recommend getting this from Paladin unless you are familiar with shortening the tube.
Mike Bell
01-13-2011, 07:07 PM
change in the program.....just gonna order the upper parts from Bravo to save on shipping. and go head and get a Gunfighter handle while Im at it.
first batch of parts should be here friday or monday.....hopefully Friday:twoguns:
01-13-2011, 09:30 PM
I had difficulty getting a pistol length gas tube that worked. tp555 finally made me one from a rifle length tube.
The next hurdle is to get ammunition that will fit into the case gauge. A chamber gauge is a necessity! I had to run my brass through a small base .223 die in order to get everything to work.
Watch the overall length ... the max you can use will depend on the shape (ogive) of the projectile. Needs to clear the indents in the side of the magazine without pushing the round too much to the center, or you will have feeding problems.
I have been very pleased with Paladin's work and his service! The chambering is lots of fun to play with!
Mike Bell
01-16-2011, 09:36 PM
I guess I need to talk to TP555 about that tube. I was going to have him do the BLK conversion but I dont think theres is a need for it. So I may just go with his gas block and tube.
01-17-2011, 10:47 AM
If Paladin has the pistol length gas tube, definitely buy it from him; he was out of stock when I purchased my gas block so I had to form my own from a rifle length is a PITA!.
The case gage is also worth the extra couple of bucks too. I check all my loaded ammo with it and I have never had a malfunction of any kind with that rifle.
Other than that your build sounds good..good luck!
Mike Bell
01-17-2011, 09:25 PM
First batch of parts are in and the next batch ordered should be here by end of the week or next week hopefully. All thats left is the gas block and gas tube. And dies.....:nanabang:
01-17-2011, 10:32 PM
I can see the anticipation is building! Have fun with it ;-)
BTW: BCM is an excellent source for very nice parts.
01-17-2011, 11:13 PM
BCM is an excellent source for very nice parts.
God people there without a doubt.
Mike Bell
01-23-2011, 08:44 PM
Well here she is.....:nanabang: just waiting on the gas blockfrom Tp555 and some reloading dies
01-23-2011, 09:03 PM
Lookin good bo!! :uzi2:
Mike Bell
01-27-2011, 07:24 PM
Let me correct myself, Im not waiting on the gas block from TP555.......Im waiting on the wife to let me have my allowance to order the gas bloack from Tp555....:rolleyes:
01-27-2011, 07:30 PM
Let me correct myself, Im not waiting on the gas block from TP555.......Im waiting on the wife to let me have my allowance to order the gas bloack from Tp555....:rolleyes:
Girls... They just dont understand sometimes.
01-28-2011, 01:06 AM
That is a nice looking rifle! good stuff:grin:
Mike Bell
02-04-2011, 06:31 PM
:grin: OK I sent my money order to now I am waiting:grin:
Next thing to get is reloading dies.
Any suggestions? what are you guys using for your .300/221/whisper?
Next thing to get is reloading dies.
Any suggestions? what are you guys using for your .300/221/whisper?
Got mine from Midway, Redding 300-221.
Did you confirm the trim length from the barrel manufacturer? Chamber dimensions? These can all vary from different manufacturers since it's a wildcat round. I had to trim my cases, formed from .223 brass, into 1.40" and neck turn them to 0.01" thickness.
02-04-2011, 11:00 PM
I'm using the Redding set 300/221 set. You'll need the trim/form die and the extended shellholder if you're going to make your cases from .223.
Mike Bell
02-04-2011, 11:12 PM
I hoping to start with Hoser's brass first.
Mike Bell
02-18-2011, 08:51 PM
Got my TP555 gas block today! final assembly coming this weekend!!:nanabang: need to order reloading dies so I can start shooting this thing!:o
02-19-2011, 11:52 AM
Wow ... is a tough place to be ... finished rifle and nothing to shoot! I'd be goin' up a wall or three.
Hang in there ... the chambering is fun!
I had to use a small base .223 die to prep the cases when I made them from 5.56 LC brass. Was really helpful to have a chambering gauge as I was loading ammunition.
Every round I load for the semi autos (5.56, 6.8, 300 BLK, 7.62) goes through a chambering gauge before it goes into a magazine!
Mike Bell
02-19-2011, 07:47 PM pg
scope swap, dies, and time to start saving for the can! (and sights sooner or later)
02-19-2011, 11:07 PM
Looks great! Now you will need to save up for a sbr stamp also!
02-23-2011, 02:57 AM
I hoping to start with Hoser's brass first.
There is no better way to start.
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