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View Full Version : Just purchased a really nice grade 2 Imbel kit... need to figure out how to build

08-23-2005, 10:09 AM
Attached are all the photos of this kit that I have. These photos were taken by the seller of the kit and you can see full details of this kit here:


I will be using this thread to track this project...

Project Costs:

Grade 2 Imbel kit - $400

08-23-2005, 10:13 AM
Here is the description of the kit from the guy I bough the kit from:

Grade 2 --barely missed being a grade 1
Bolt, BC and lower numbers match. 90% of original finish remains. HG's and BS great --not as if your going to use them but..... ALL of the original parts are here except the receiver stub. Almost no internal wear to speak of Bolt face,chamber and bore are immaculate.BFA,mag,loader and bayo as they went out from dans and in the original Dans shipping box !
$400.00 shipped.

The only reason this missed grade 1 was the slight gouge in the pistol grip and scratches in the buttstock. Since neither of those would most likely not be used anyway........ It is actually unfortunate that the handguards are so nice since they would most likely not be used.

Just a note, I am trying to decide on my compliance parts but I may just try to save these handguards if they are this nice and perhaps the stock too... :D

Here are my tenative Compliance Parts list:

1. US Piston
2. Hammer
3. Trigger
4. Sear

This leaves me three more needed and the following options look most logical at this moment...

- Stock
- Pistol Grip
- Forearms
- DSA Receiver
- Muzzle Attachment

08-25-2005, 11:19 AM
if your trying to use stock set consider
Magazine parts
Charging Handle
could be added to USA made parts

I cant believe the prices they are asking for kits now. Stupid ATF B.S.
And I still am having trouble getting a receiver for my STG kit. :mad:

08-25-2005, 12:44 PM
Yea, I have said elsewhere that the ATF is out to get us gun owners by creating new gun bans so that I spend all my money...

First it was the Number of evil features... and magazines ===> So I bought more evil features and magazines then I could count...

Now they ban Receiver and Barel imports ===> So now I collect receivers and barrels (along with the rest of the parts)

I found a correlation ---- more Gun laws ---- More Guns I buy ---- Perhaps they are trying to bankrupt me :bangin:

Now, back on topic, yes I may consider these other parts but I really need to see the parts kit to decide how good the original parts are... I am also quietly searching for an Imbel receiver but I refuse to buy anything with a "hesse" engraved on it and given the above I am too poor to just grab one of the few Imbels being offered at randsome prices... especially when DSA is the same basic prices now...

10-13-2005, 03:17 PM
I have not updated this thread in some time so I will do so now... The parts kit I got really is close to Grade 1. I purchased a few replacement parts from other grade 1 kits especially the pistol grip and the butstock and with these replaced I am pretty sure the kit is Grade 1.

I also received my Imbel receiver and it is in new condition too.

I have not had the chance to really sit down and figure out my compliance parts yet but as it stands I have a nearly new parts kit with a nice new receiver. I want to build this as factory original and correct as possible because of how nice this kit is....

Really sucks to take an exceptional piece after looking for one so long and replace parts for no other reason then a rather stupid law... Oh well, I am busy learning to buld AKs at this time so perhaps I will figure it out before I need to build...

10-13-2005, 09:12 PM
FAL is one tough rifle i have one and i used DSA x-series stock.
One thing that i did not like was rear sling atachment point so i got plate (sling thing)from GG & G (http://www.gggaz.com/products/fal_sling.php)



FAL is AR on Steroids :D

10-17-2005, 03:55 AM
This is a set of Ironwood Designs FAL furniture I bought for one of my Imbels.


Black walnut with a Tung oil finish. Many coats of oil and light scuffings between coats with 0000 steel wool left me with a finish that is like glass. I got the full set including the pistol grip, but I'm going to use a U.S. polymer pistol grip instead.


Even if you're doing that matching kit to look original, keep Ironwood in mind for one of your other kits. I love the black polymer/fiberglass stocks on the FALs, but the walnut looks really sharp.

I have been trying to find a couple more receivers to finish off my kits. IIRC, there is supposed to be a new FAL receiver by Dan Coonan coming out soon. I have one built DSA and 2 bare Imbel receivers. I need 2 more, so it's probably going to be DSA or Coonan as my only choices.


10-30-2005, 08:01 PM
I am brand new to this forum, I am going to purchase an IMBEL FAL PARTS KIT,,,, I know nothing of the laws, (how many, and what parts, where do you get the misc parts, to put it together and have a the weapon that I have been wanting for a long time....... Need help,,,,, I'm open for suggestions. :welcome: :nanabang: :uzi2:

03-14-2007, 04:27 PM
I am going to bounce this up...

I needed to sell a bunch of stuff off to pay for a new NFA purchase and I have listed this kit (as well as quite a few other things) on gunbroker. I paid $400 for this kit a couple years ago...

I have started the auction at $300 with no reserve. I am also selling a New Imbel Gear upper. Here is a link:


I have about 10-items listed so far and more are getting listed as I get time!

See: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/SellerAuctions.asp?User=4487