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View Full Version : 300/221 (Whisper/Fireball) brass for sale

12-17-2010, 08:19 PM
Hello all,

I have LC and FC brass formed into 300/221 for sale. Its been polished in corn cob, deprimed, primer pockets swaged, trimmed with dillon's rapid trimmer, and formed on Redding 300/221 die with free floating carbide sizing button, washed with ss media to get it clean inside and out and than primer pockets were uniformed w/sinclair's uniformer and flash holes were deburred. Lastly it was trimmed to length (1.355) on Giraud trimmer.

All of the brass is packaged in bags of 100. Price is $25/100, $24/100 (500+) or $22.50/100 (1000+)

Price includes Priority Mail shipping w/confirmation to lower 48. Insurance is extra. I accept Money Order or (discrete) Paypal + 3%. For fastest response email at flyboy_lou@msn.com.
Thanks for looking and feel free to ask any questions!

This is posted on another forum so email for fastest respond.



12-17-2010, 08:21 PM
This is what I have left over and ready to ship

LC 07 3,800 2,800 2,300
LC 07* 300
LC 09* 100
LC 01* 400
LC 02* 100
LC 04* 100
FC 04 500
FC 06 200
HSM 223 200

Will have lots of WCC in few weeks.


12-17-2010, 08:35 PM
I bought 200 pieces of your brass for my Encore 300 Whispers earlier this year. Your Brass works like a charm in both my SSK and Thompson Custom Shop Barrels. Good luck. Nice to see you here.

01-05-2011, 06:27 PM
WCC now available

al redneck
01-08-2011, 09:54 AM
WCC now available

I bought 1000 pcs of his brass awhile back . The amount of time he must have spent on the brass was unreal . It was extremely well prepped brass . If ever I needed brass , I would buy from him .


03-07-2011, 09:32 PM
Have lots of WCC and making more.

- $185/1k or $95/500: formed, swaged, trimmed with guirad and washed with ss media (clean inside and out)
- add $25/1k to have primer pockets uniformed
- add $25/1k to have flash holes debured

Prices include usps priority shipping.


04-09-2011, 10:27 PM
Plenty left, get some

05-07-2011, 03:15 PM
Lots of WCC on hand ready to ship. Can process yours as well to save you some $$$

06-10-2011, 10:47 PM
Lots of WCC ready to ship

07-01-2011, 12:38 AM
I just purchased 1000 rounds of 300 Whisper from WCC 223 brass. It is excellent and the service was great.

Thanks Lou

07-15-2011, 08:02 PM
another return customer. I am another 1000 rounds wealthier.:grin:

Thanks Lou.

07-15-2011, 11:05 PM
Shipping included on 100 rnds?

09-09-2011, 10:09 PM
Have WIN and WCC ready to ship. This brass is ready to load with chamfered necks (inside and out) for easy loading of flat base bullets.

09-30-2011, 12:17 PM
I have the following brass for sale:

Win NT 5,000 1,000
Win 1,800 1,300
WCC 09 3,700 2,700
WCC 10 1,395
WCC 11 1,900

Its prepped as all of my previous brass and trimmed with Giraud trimmer which chamfers the inside and outside neck for smooth burr free seating of bullets.

I can also deburr the inside flash holes and uniform primer pockets if desired at additional cost.

I've lowered the price to $155/k + shipping.
Brass is shipped USPS priority w/delivery confirmation (insurance extra). Up to 300 is $5.00, up to 2k is $10.00 and up to 2,500 is $15.00

Thanks for looking

10-27-2011, 11:21 PM
Bump. These are ready to load!

11-26-2011, 04:34 PM
Bump for ready to load brass.

09-24-2012, 03:28 PM
Another repeat customer. Pristine and ready to load.

11-05-2012, 08:38 PM
have any brass left? what is is wcc?

7.62 Nato
11-12-2012, 02:56 PM
have any brass left? what is is wcc?

Winchester Cartridge Co.

09-16-2014, 01:55 PM
Still making chips. Have plenty of WCC

09-30-2014, 10:03 PM
Good to hear! I have a nice supply but if I hear of anyone in need I will send them your way