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View Full Version : Sako L461

12-16-2010, 06:56 PM
I just got one of these actions.
Anyone ever try a whisper type out of one?
That's why I got it.


12-16-2010, 07:32 PM
I've got an L46 action I bought for the same reason. It should be a great action for the 300-221. Unfortunately finding a stock is a problem. I got a Richards Microfit stock unfinished and there is a lot of finishing yet to do as well as inletting and taking about 3 pounds off it. I can't say the thing wasn't a well done stock but there was a lot less done than I thought would be the case. On the other hand, the barrel work should be pretty simple. Its an oddball thread in the receiver but not hard to cut. Its a quality action with a good reputation so get to work>


12-16-2010, 07:50 PM
Which type did you get from Richard's?
I was looking at their tackdriver type or maybe the tatical style.
I've already done a bench prone in electric blue for a 22 marlin.
It did take a bit of work but it looks great.


12-24-2010, 06:01 PM
I have had a L461 in 300/221 for a few years now. I am extremely happy with it, I would like more of them in other calibres but must sell some other rifles first. The only downside of the 300/221 is I can only fit six rounds in the magazine, where in other calibres you can fit seven.



12-25-2010, 12:14 AM
Which type did you get from Richard's?
I was looking at their tackdriver type or maybe the tatical style.
I've already done a bench prone in electric blue for a 22 marlin.
It did take a bit of work but it looks great.


It was listed as a Classic if I recall correctly.....not sure which. Its pretty much a monte carlo style....roughly. I don't remember exactly what I ordered but I did order the barrel channel wider than normal for my 1" integral suppressor tube. I had to inlet for the bottom metal and most of the receiver. The stock is about 1/2" wider than it needs to be and about the same in height. I don't know if thats normal but its definitely not a 90% drop in. I knew I was going to have to do the bottom inlet but they were supposed to have the top side done. They told me they didn't have a pattern for the single shot receiver so I asked that they not do any inlet on the bottom except for the hole the trigger goes through. They didn't cut that hole either. . .
In any case, I've got no barrel blank for the receiver at the moment and its at the bottom of my work pile. I have to do customer guns first ....



07-22-2011, 09:52 PM
With this Sako L461 I decided not to spend the $$ on a richards stock and modify an existing finished stock from a rem 700.


I also decided to try the 7.62 x 40 with this one to start.
Blank is from shilen.
Shoots really good even though I haven't filled the stock in yet.
