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View Full Version : Remington 220 available now

12-04-2010, 02:16 PM

Jeremy Powell
Bulls-Eye Indoor Range & Gun Shop
221 W Crogan Street
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Phone: (770) 963-6556
Fax: (770) 963-8922

E-Mail: bullseye_doc@hotmail.com

12-04-2010, 09:31 PM
You didn't hear this from me, but I'm QC from Remington, and according to the lot # of this ammo, it has to be sent to my address for proper testing. Don't let this get out; Remington is trying to keep it hush-hush. :grin:


12-04-2010, 11:26 PM
So I am confused, will the 300 blackout work in a whisper/300.221/300 fireball chamber?

12-04-2010, 11:35 PM
I am going to buy a few boxes and find out.:grin: I am thinking it will work in my gun, need to check my throat before firing 123gr stuff.


12-04-2010, 11:43 PM
I think so too, i need to ask spook next time i call him. Would be nice to have a cheaper solution to whisper ammo.

12-08-2010, 11:13 AM
Chrismartin photo


12-08-2010, 12:11 PM
Is this ammo subsonic?

12-09-2010, 07:49 AM
What online distributors are getting this and will there be any stores in North Carolina getting some? I would love to pick some up.

BWE Firearms
12-09-2010, 08:38 AM
What wholesale distributor is going to carry the 300 Blackout guns and ammo and when will it be available?

12-09-2010, 10:46 AM
On the ammo from what I have heard from other sources, a select few will carry the ammo at first, simmilar to the 338 spectre ammo which is still only carried by one if not mistaken.

Dunno about the firearms but I am quietly awaiting to see if remington builds these on a model 7 action instead of 700 with bolt/reciver specs the same as the 221/17. Also wondering if somone will soon come out with a detachable mag system, better stocks, ect for the model 7.

12-09-2010, 08:42 PM
So I am confused, will the 300 blackout work in a whisper/300.221/300 fireball chamber?

I got an email from M1S on this and their chamber throught is shorter than the 300 Whisper. DO NOT use 300 BLK ammo in a Model 1 Sales 300 Fireball chamber - you will have excisive preasures.

12-10-2010, 12:37 PM
Rsilvers, does the 300 BLK use large rifle primers?

Also, how did these loads do in the ballistics gel? Was it over-penetrating?
ASS CHEERLEADER (http://www.fucktube.com/categories/146/cheerleader/videos/1)

12-10-2010, 01:22 PM
AcuSport has a lot any day now.
MidwayUSA some any day now.

12-10-2010, 09:51 PM

12-10-2010, 11:54 PM

I just tried to order a couple of boxes for testing from midwayusa but it's on backorder. Sigh... Oh well, so's the AAC 700 barrel. I've got other rifles to shoot while I wait.

Could you tell us how these loads differ from the Corbon subsonic "Whisper" 220 SMKs Such the difference in cartridge OAL, 16" barrel velocity, and pressure curves? I realize you probably don't want to publish actual loads with powder type and weight, though that would be helpful to shooters.

12-11-2010, 12:24 AM
The ammo was in stock when I posted it, but they were down to less than one case.

The AAC 700 barrels have been at AAC for 7 weeks now. You have to call to order them though. Putting an order in the computer generates a work order to assemble the barrel assembly, which entails screwing on the thread protector.

I don't know how it differs from Cor-Bon ammo. I have a box of Cor-Bon, but I never tried it. Remington OAL is, I think, 2.089. The velocity is 1010 fps from a 16 inch SAAMI test barrel.

12-12-2010, 07:08 AM
Interesting. I'm personally leaning towards a LFN boolit for the best terminal damage, until the jacked bullet companies design a softpoint to work in this fps envelope.

If my understanding on the matter is correct, the leading edge is really the big deal in supersonic flight, but the trailing edge becomes less minor in subsonic. I'd be very interested to see if any on the more boutique bullet companies come out with a ~220gr rebated boat tail jacked soft flat nose (RBTJSFN?) designed for the 300AAC. Maybe evening something of a borerider (if you can due the with jacketeds) to decrease the bearing surface. Wake me up, I'm dreaming. Maybe I just need to read up more on shooting boolits with suppressors.

BWE Firearms
12-12-2010, 10:04 AM

Make sure when using lead bullets with a suppressor that your suppressor can be taken apart to clean. Most people say it is lead buildup but it is not. I shoot predominately lead bullets and took all the buildup from my Uzi SMG suppressor and tried to melt it down to see how much of it was lead. The pile started out to be the size of my fist. I got a piece of lead smaller then the size of a quarter, the rest was all burnt powder and bullet lube.

I know this is a shameless plug for my suppressors but all my cans are take apart so they are cast bullet friendly. I do not have anything on my site about it yet but I do have a can for the 300 whatever we are calling it today. It is the same can with a smaller hole as our 338 THUMPER suppressor. We are currently working on trying some other materials and coatings for it to make it super light. We are also working on an integral suppressor for the Whisper.

BWE Firearms
12-12-2010, 10:15 AM

You have it backwords the key to reducing drag on a subsonic bullet is the base design. At subsonic velocities air drag is caused by base drag. A rebated boattail can improve ballistic co-efficiency by as much as 40%.

12-12-2010, 05:33 PM
I'm just hoping that Remington will offer these projectiles to us handloaders soon. Been looking for a budget jacketed projectile in this weight range.


12-12-2010, 07:56 PM
These projectiles are Sierra 220 MatchKings.


12-12-2010, 08:27 PM
The AAC 700 barrels have been at AAC for 7 weeks now. You have to call to order them though. Putting an order in the computer generates a work order to assemble the barrel assembly, which entails screwing on the thread protector.

I did call in my order and gave it to Mike (I believe) at AAC by phoning 770-925-9988 on 10/13/2010 for one of your 700 barrels. part number 101815. He took my MC information and said it would ship by the end of the week by UPS. My MasterCard statement shows I was billed by "Advanced Armament Corp Norcross GA" for $410.00 on 10/13/2010.

I was told the same thing (would ship within the week) when I called a month ago, and was given some weird excuses about a thread protector and an instruction sheet not being ready. I also asked to be emailed a UPS tracking number when the barrel was shipped and was told that would be done. I've seen neither a tracking number or the barrel.

What are you telling me now? Are you saying I have to place another order? AAC has had my money encumbered for two months now. I've had it take up to ten months to get custom upper from one other AR-15 manufacturer but at least they didn't BS me, kept me informed of the delays, and didn't take my money before they shipped.

rsilvers, I don't think you personally are the cause of these problems, but you do seem to be AAC's reperesentative on this quarterbore forum . You posted the offer to sell the AAC Rem 700 300BLK barrels here. I gave AAC the opportunity to resolve the problems with my second phone call but with no results. Are you telling me barrel is still held up for lack of a thread protector? If so ship it in the morning with some tape around the threads(both ends) ! I don't need a metal thread protector.

How about a >clear< answer as to what's going on. Preferably here on quarterbore if delivery problems are affecting others who have placed orders. If I'm a unique case it can be private if you prefer.



12-12-2010, 11:03 PM
Sorry I did not know you had an order in. I will check into it tomorrow and have it shipped tomorrow.

12-12-2010, 11:39 PM
AAC seems to be batting 0 with forum members. Anyone have any good experiences to share?

12-13-2010, 12:54 AM
Dannix, You have it backwords the key to reducing drag on a subsonic bullet is the base design. At subsonic velocities air drag is caused by base drag. A rebated boattail can improve ballistic co-efficiency by as much as 40%.
You may want to re-read my post. Didn't realize 40% was the number though, I just knew it became less minor -- Thanks for mentioning it. This is why I'm interested in a FN or HPed FN softpoint, with a rebated boattail. I'm kind of surprised these haven't come out already for 458Socom and the like.

I shoot predominately lead bullets and took all the buildup from my Uzi SMG suppressor and tried to melt it down to see how much of it was lead. The pile started out to be the size of my fist. I got a piece of lead smaller then the size of a quarter, the rest was all burnt powder and bullet lube.

What powder where you using for your loads? (9x19mm cartridge, right? see question below).
Were you shooting semi auto, or bursts in your Uzi, or are you just using a "Uzi SMG suppressor" on a <=9mm gun? If the later, what gun type and barrel length?
How many rounds had you shot?
What lube where you using? I'll probably try White Lable Lube Co's BAC lube, if I go for 220-240 boolits in the 300 AAC.

Thanks for mentioning your suppressors. I'll look into them if/when I'm in the market.

12-13-2010, 01:00 AM
AAC seems to be batting 0 with forum members. Anyone have any good experiences to share?
It's awesome this community has a AAC rep here -- give him a chance to make good for LouBoyd, and this could turn from a 0/1 to 1/1.

BWE Firearms
12-13-2010, 08:09 AM
Sorry Dannix I had read your post back wards. My 9mm load is 145 gr LRN over 3.8 grains of Tightgroup. They hit steel plates like a sledgehammer. I use them in the subgun matches so I pull singles, bursts, and mag dumps on the plate racks. I use one of my Python suppressors which is a dedicated Uzi SMG suppressor. I think I had about 4000-5000 rounds threw it when I got all the crap out of it. I get the bullets from Spacecoast bullets. They use the blue lube on them. As soon as I use up the bullets I have I am going to switch from the 9mm (.356.Dia) to the 38 Cowboy bullets which are .358 dia. They are the same bullet, one of the guys I shoot with just told me about the 38 bullets.

I don't know if I would shoot these out of a handgun as they are really hot loads.

12-13-2010, 10:23 AM
AAC seems to be batting 0 with forum members. Anyone have any good experiences to share?

Nothing but good things to say here.

12-14-2010, 01:16 AM
Sorry I did not know you had an order in. I will check into it tomorrow and have it shipped tomorrow.

Thank you rsilvers for your quick intervention. According to UPS tracking the Rem 700 AAC 300BLK barrel is now in their hands and in transit.

12-14-2010, 06:11 PM
Got my 300 Blackout ammo today and gave it a try out of my 300 Whisper. Remington 700, 16 inch Douglas barrel 1 in 8 twist. Sub MOA @ 100 yds. Wind 10mph @ 2 o'clock, temp 43 F. Did have a couple of flyers, my fault, that were still within an inch.

Chronographed 10ft from barrel av vel. 1027.6, ES 61.7, SD 28.5, CV 2.8%. PACT Professional XP 5 rds.

12-14-2010, 11:58 PM

12-15-2010, 01:36 PM
Also, Allen Arms seems to have received their order of AAC barrels - and so now has them available for quick ship:
