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View Full Version : Factory 300Whisper 220gr ammo

12-01-2010, 12:53 PM
Is there a decent factory ammo available for the 300 Whisper in a 220gr? I was looking to pick up a box to try in my 10.5 suppressed rifle. I want to check if its my reloading or if its the rifle that is giving me bad results reloading.
Or neither??

12-01-2010, 01:20 PM
Cor-bon loaded with Sierra 220s should serve you well.

12-01-2010, 03:12 PM
The Cor-bon with 220 Sierra MatchKing bullets is kind of hard to find but I got mine from http://www.mackspw.com/ for $45 for 20 rounds. I found them to run a little fast and noisy from my 16" AR, averaging around 1070 fps. Every few rounds I'd get a loud transonic shot.

12-01-2010, 10:36 PM
For the price of the CorBon I would just use AAC's factory 220 load when it is available. Half the price of the Corbon and in the correct brass. Even if you have to touch up your chamber it a Major Win!

12-01-2010, 10:59 PM
Remington 220 grain ammo should be in stock any day now. Like it may even show up tomorrow. If you want you can call AAC and order it and it will ship to you when it gets into the computer system. I think it is $21.99 a box.