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View Full Version : J & T 300 Whisper AR-15

Whisper in your ear
07-26-2005, 05:04 PM
I have not had a chance to shoot mine yet (got it at the gun show last weekend) but J & T distributing sells the 300 whisper. They are a little more expensive but from what I read on ar15.com they are supposed to be better quality than the M1S. Plus they stamp their barrel "300 whisper" instead of the knock off names.If you want to see a pic of my build then go to:

Completed upper + Lower kit (minus stripped reciever) +jewel trigger +tax came to $722 with a 5% military discount. They do not have them listed on there website that I could find but according to them they have been selling the whisper for over 2 years.
Hopefully I will have a range report this weekend, I have to see how brass forming goes as I am making them from Lake city 5.56. The brass has been trimmed and its ready to form, My dies shoould be here tomorrow. :D
While talking with them he brought up a good point that I have never heard before: he stated they feed more reliably from a straight magazine compared to the curved 30 rounders. I guess I will see if the 20 round straight mag works reliably this weekend.

07-27-2005, 02:30 PM
I did not know J&T was selling the whisper. I checked their sight, and saw them at some gun shows, but never heard anything about it.

My Model 1 now feeds reliably from both 20 round and curved 30 round mags.


07-27-2005, 04:39 PM
Whisper in your ear,

What is the twist rate of your upper?

I found the opposite to be true about the mags. The 20rd mags seemed to load easier, but I've had better feeding luck with just plain jane 30rd GI mags with the green followers.

Whisper in your ear
07-28-2005, 12:56 PM
I emailed JT to verify and they say it is a 12 twist. Which means it is better suited for the lighter, supersonic bullets. This don't bother me as I dont intend to shoot anything over 150 GR in it anyway.

I got my die set and loaded some rounds last night. Forming from Lake city brass was rather easy and my necks are aroound.330 which sould give them good clearence. They all chamber and extract easy. I will be at the range Saturday so I will see how all goes.

07-28-2005, 01:11 PM
I have not had a chance to shoot mine yet (got it at the gun show last weekend) but J & T distributing sells the 300 whisper. They are a little more expensive but from what I read on ar15.com they are supposed to be better quality than the M1S. Plus they stamp their barrel "300 whisper" instead of the knock off names.If you want to see a pic of my build then go to:

Do you have a link to the discussion on ARFCOM? Did J&T get approval to use the name? SSK will hammer them if they didn't!

Whisper in your ear
07-28-2005, 01:24 PM
Not a specific thread I just searched their forums and they seem to like oly,rra and JT. They have a specific section on Ar variants which has info on the 300 whisper in it. Later tonight I will try to get a photo of the barrel marking. If you would like me to post it here then just let me know.

07-28-2005, 01:49 PM
Yes, I would like to see the markings... I would love to buy one of these barrels as well...

EDIT: I tried to search for any info on ARFCOM but came up empty... do you have a catalog # or any additional info you can share? Any links would be great too!

I will try to call J&T when I get a chance...

Whisper in your ear
07-28-2005, 06:42 PM
Me with the whisper
Barrel markings

07-29-2005, 03:09 AM
looks nice - so they are using carbine tube length?

07-29-2005, 04:33 AM
What does "DSC" stand for?

Whisper in your ear
07-29-2005, 05:45 AM
Yep - its a carbine length gas tube.

Not sure what the DSC stands for.

Whisper in your ear
07-30-2005, 04:19 PM
Fired 100 rounds of 150 gr bullets with no problems. Powder charges were 16 - 18 grains of H110. The J & T upper performed flawlessly with no failure to feed, cycle, fire or extract. Group were fired with open sights and were acceptable for break in. Next week I will be firing moly coated bullets and be shooting for accuracy. I may even try 125's. I can say I am very pleased with the rifle at this point!

07-31-2005, 04:10 PM
Double Star Corporation