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07-23-2005, 02:04 AM
:confused: Has anyone tried one of the piston (as opposed to gas tube) sytems for the 300 Whisper top end? Wouldn't this keep from having the issues of sensitivity to peak gas pressures for functioning as the piston would start to move when it was feed gas and keep moving as long as gas was there you could use a FAL type adjustment for it. This seems on the surface like a good idea to me. (granted I don't know nothin' :rolleyes: )

So what problems could/would there be and has anyone tried it before?

10-28-2005, 12:46 AM
Stolen information from another site ;) , but answers some of my questions. :nanabang:


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Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:43 pm Post subject: Gas piston vs. conventional uppers


Today I tested a Colt 16 inch AR15 upper compared to a LW and POF upper.

AAC M4-2000

POF was 3.2 dB louder than the Colt
LW was 1.5 dB quieter than the Colt.

Gemtech M4-02

POF was 1.8 dB louder than the Colt.
LW was 2.1 dB quieter than the Colt.

So, suprise surprise! The LW is even quieter than a direct-gas system and was 4.7dB quieter than the POF with an M4-2000 and 3.9 dB quieter than the POF with an M4-02.

Thank you to those who sent their uppers. I did not test them for gas blowback, but it has to be less than direct gas.

10-29-2005, 06:51 AM
I'm having one build by L-W/GP when I get back from the sandbox. I think the self regulating gas sytem is a perfect match for the whisper, no more messing around with adjustable blocks or tubes. I'll post a review when I get it.


10-29-2005, 02:39 PM
zunrj5 , thank you for your service to our country and come home safe.

I'm still researching as there are other piston uppers that haven't been tested yet but will keep posting interesting stuff I'm finding on the web regarding the 300 whisper AR project I'm doing.

You might try silencertests.com for some interesting viewing. :cool: