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View Full Version : Suggestions for supersonic with 125 gr and H110?

10-31-2010, 08:59 AM
As per my problems here:


There is concern that my supersonic loads are too hot and causing these issues.

18.5 grains of H110 with a Nosler Ballistic Tip 125 grain bullet. OAL is 2.045

Reason I went with this load is I chose it from this link:


On that link they are recommending 22 grains of H110, so I loaded down more than 10% but apparently that still doesn't work.

16" barrel, 1:10 I believe, pistol length gas tube running TP555 adjustable gas block in the H position, of course.

What suggestions, if this is too hot a load, would you suggest?

I have access to the following powders:

Alliant Unique
Varget Rifle
IMR 4064
Alliant Power Pistol
Ramshot TAC
Reloader 15, 19, 22

11-01-2010, 04:41 PM
I can tell you that 19.6gr W296 is too hot. It flattens primers. I am planning to try 19.0gr but that may still be a bit hot.

19.0gr of H4227 works well and produces about 1900 fps.

11-01-2010, 09:57 PM
Just extend the bullet out more.
2.085 is what I recommend.

11-02-2010, 02:57 AM
I don't have the numbers in front of me but the OAL you recommended is way too short. The first ones I loaded long actually worked till I tried your recommendation and that is when everything went sideways. :confused:

11-02-2010, 09:36 AM
Assuming your brass is 1.355 long, a Nosler 125 BT which is loaded to 2.085 OAL will be inserted into the case 0.330 inches (including the boat tail), and the boat-tail shank seat depth is 0.227. Really it is perfect for efficiency, neck/bullet support, and feeding,

11-02-2010, 12:35 PM
I would agree the 125gr BT is a much better choice. Not quite as explosive as the 110 VMAX though but still a good choice.

11-02-2010, 05:28 PM
Last night I removed the 125 Nosler Ballistic tips I had loaded over 22 grains of H110. I wasn't happy with the accuracy. I reloaded the same bullets back using 18.5 grains of H110 with 2.065" overall length. I was very pleased with the accuracy from my brand new SSK 26 inch encore barrel. Today was the first time I had shot it. Equally surprized and pleased when I shot a few 150 gr ballistic tips I loaded last year using 18 grains of H110. No change in impact at 100 yards. I can shoot either one this fall hunting and know the scope will stay on zero and the deer will fall down.:smile: