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View Full Version : My new deer pistol

10-14-2010, 04:40 PM
Ever since I shot JFettig’s whisper pistol a couple of years ago I have been lusting for one. My dream came true last month.

It is a 300 fireball or 300/221. The upper is a LAR forged side charge upper with no forward assist or dust cover, JFettig Barrel that is 11.5 inches long and topped off with a Nordic Corvette Comp. There is a JP adjustable gas block in the pistol position so when we get the ability to have Cans in MN I can shoot subs as well as supersonic. The hand guard is a rifle length Nordic. The lower is from a local shop in the cities that for the life of me I cannot recall off the top of my head and will update when I get home. The internals are standard DPMS. This is my first, but not last build. JFettig really put the components of the top end together for me when he installed the barrel and for that he has my unending gratitude.

I am using cut down and reformed .223 military brass for the cases. After a lot of research and talking to knowledgeable folks, I settled in on the 125 Balistic Tip from Nosler. I have been a long time fan of VV powders and so started load development with VV N110. I found out that I can easily seat the bullet out to 2.2inch and still work in the mag and the chamber. With that I did loaded up and got the following results.

shot # 14 gr 15.1 gr 16.4 gr 17gr 17.5 gr
1 1747 1933 2040 2071 2107
2 1766 1915 2016 2072 2116
3 1826 1916 2032 2075 2072
4 1812 1894 2030 2076 2089
5 1834 1913 2026 2071 2087
average 1797 1914.2 2028.8 2073 2094.2
SD 38.39 13.85 8.79 2.35 17.40

I will be exploring the 17 grain load extensively in the upcoming weeks. The upper limit per the manuals is 17.7 but 17.5 is a slightly compressed load and think that if I went up to 17.7 it would be the proverbial, fill the case and tap the bullet into place… there were no high pressure signs on any of the primers, all still had rounded corners and no cratering was noted.

Initial accuracy noted was in the 1 to 1.5 in range at 50 yards. This was with a no power, dot scope and I expect the gun to do much better as it breaks in and I learn its ways.

I will continue to update as I can but want to take a moment and give a shout out to JFettig for all his help and patience with me as I undertook this project.

10-16-2010, 05:11 PM
I really like the way this one turned out. Those side charging uppers are very cool!
