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View Full Version : Another Round of "Name that Lathe"

09-22-2010, 09:52 PM
I'm in the process of sifting through some of my father's possessions and found a lathe that was originally owned by my grandfather. the only placard on the lathe says pickering machine company, seattle, washington. I've done google searches to try to find information about the lathe based onthat placard, but with no success. I'm starting to think this is just the place that sold the lathe, not the manufacturer.

Does anyone recognize it?

10-14-2010, 10:59 AM
Yes i think that was the seller. Did you get the change gears? Its a nice lathe prob early 1900's. You might want to poke around here and see what you can find...Bob


10-14-2010, 11:30 AM
It has a LOT of stuff with it. At one point, my father had remarked that it had all the supporting tools and gears.

I'm not that familiar with lathe's but here is a large set of gears sitting on posts on the head end of the lathe.

thanks for the pointer...I'll poke around a bit.