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View Full Version : 300/221 FB brass

09-22-2010, 08:42 AM
I may be getting in some 5-7K pieces of mixed headstamp 223/5.56 brass in the next few weeks for a debt owed to me. I was wondering if anybody would be interested in processed 300/221 brass for say $120 per K plus shipping. My trim/size die is set just a tad bit long so you will need to final size and trim this brass to fit your chambers. I did a bunch like this for board member Artful last month and figured if I can get people that would want this service I will do it. If not, I really don't want to pick up the brass if I can't get rid of it. I will also leave the lube on so you can run them through your size die. The brass will also be deprimed and primer pockets will be swaged.