View Full Version : Photo Thread: How about some pics of M9s attached to weapons
03-23-2005, 10:58 PM
I will dig out my carbine tonight if I get a chance an post some pics of my M9 mounted... Can we see some of yours mounted too?
Above is a rather old pic of mine (2001?) ... this is a Bushmaster Registered Receiver (M-16 Full Auto) and it showns an M-7 bayonet, Soligen Eickhorn M-16 bayonet, and a Buck M9 Bayonet... The mag at upper left is a 30-rd mag while the mag to the right is a 100-rd Beta mag...
The second pic is an even older pic (1999?) that shows a pair of Bushmaster AR-15s I used to own. Top is a 20-inch HBAR while the bottom is an M4A4 with the 14.5-inch barrel. Note these both have phantom flash hiders... Both are Buck M9s.
04-25-2005, 10:08 PM
I have been looking for a photo of an M9 Bayonet mounted on a Midlength Carbine to show how these nount for a long time as from my own measurements I thought that the bayonet wouldn't quite mount correctly with the mounting ring over the open part of the flash hider...
Well, after looking for a couple years I have finally had someone e-mail me a couple photos:
Colt 14.5-inch M4 Barrel with LanCay M9 Bayonet
Rock River Arms 16-inch Midlength Barrel with LanCay M9 Bayonet
Note in the top photo how the Bayonet mounting ring fits over the flash hider where the flash hider that is threaded to the barrel. In the second photo the mounting ring is actually forward of the barrel.
Personally, I find this to be a foolish mistake of Armalite back when they came up with the specifications for the mid-length upper. Then, RRA was foolish enough to use Armalite's flawed lead!
04-26-2005, 12:45 PM
No problem, Glad I could help. I know this question comes up on a regular basis. Sorry my pictures couldn't be better. My camara and lack of photography skills makes for a bad combo! :-)
I agree with you in the sence that I wish Armalite and RRA had placed the gas port in the same relative position to the end of the barrel as is done on 20" and 14.5" barrels but I wonder if there is a reason for it? Just guessing out loud but maybe that extra 1" makes a difference in some other way that we are not aware of? Maybe that just wanted to make the gas tube\sight radius as long as possible while retaining the ability to use a bayonet which brings up my other point...
IMO, a bayonet is just as useful in this configuration as it is on a normal 20" rifle or 14.5" M4 meaning that the bayonet did not need to be modified, locks on just as tight (or loose as it were) and does not block the FH or cause any other negatives that I can see or think of?
04-26-2005, 12:48 PM
I am pretty confident that this was either a huge screw-up OR Armalite did this so that is some idiot went out and used a bayonet to commit murder that Armaite would be able to say... "It wasn't designed to be used with a bayonet!"
Armalite is a stand up company so I have a feeling it was just a screw-up...
That difference in less then an inch would not impact the function of the weapon at all... In fact, I would rather see Armalite or RRA make the barrel just a little longer (16.6-inches or so) such that the bayonet would mount corectly...
Also, it is funny how Knights Armament Medium Short FF RAS Tube is the correct length so that if the gas block was mounted just forward of the FF RAS that the bayonet would mount in the right location... Following is some details on why I say that and how I still plan to build a 300 Whisper Upper if I ever stop spending all my money on other projects: (
I have wondered for a LONG TIME if KAC was going to make some mid-length carbines to the CORRECT size but I have yet to see one where they did it!
01-27-2007, 09:14 PM
First post! Hello!
Here is my "M10" bayonet mounted on my 16" middy:
06-06-2007, 02:09 PM
Attached is a Photo of the Ontario OKC3S USMC bayonet mounted on a 20-inch rifle upper and note the 16-inch Carbine with a M7 bayonet with the handle extension!
Photo Provided by Alpha-Romeo3 of ARFCOM
Yes, you may use my picture.
I just want to request that a footnote of my screen name and is mentioned in the webpage.
I bought that Ontario OKC3S USMC bayonet from my local gun shop back in Feb. 2005.
My extended M7 bayonet is a Gen Cut marked General Cutlery I bought from DSG Arms (TX) in 2005 but they no longer have it in stock, sometimes I see guys selling them at the EE and e-bay.
For reference my M7 in the picture is mounted on my LMT 16" M4 style Defender 2000 carbine.
Thanks for your site it's very useful in getting more info for the AR15 and M9 bayonets.
Alpha-Romeo3 (Rudy)
06-06-2007, 02:18 PM
Here are two more photos shoing the OKC3S mounted on AR-15s.
Note this is a full auto M4A3 with a 14.5-inch barrel and the bayonet ring is where it is supposed to be:
Thanks to hk33k2 of ARFCOM for use of his image above
Note in the following photo this is a 16-inch barrel and the mounting ring is around the barrel instead of the base of the flash hider! Also note the barrel is a smaller diameter then the flash hider so there is a fair amount of slip when mounting a bayonet like this!
Thanks to Ahiodsohi from ARFCOM for use of their image
10-19-2007, 09:27 PM
Here is another photo that shows a M7 Bayonet mounted on a 16-inch lightweight barrel.
Special thanks to Bumblebee_Bob of for providing this image!
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