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View Full Version : Cast bullets in an AR15

07-30-2010, 10:39 PM
Hi guys, I'm a new poster here, but have been reading the 300 Whisper forums for a while.

Does anyone else shoot cast lead through their 300 Whisper AR15's? I've been cranking through some RCBS 30-180's on top of 13.5 grains of Reloader7.

Works fantastic with my M1S 300 Fireball barrel. I dissasembled the gas block and tube to see if there was any alarming buildup. Nothing to worry about so far, and I've not noticed any lead fouling in the barrel.

Pretty accurate too! Shoots about 1.5" groups at 100 yards. Not too bad for $.03 each bullet (price of a gas check)!

07-31-2010, 04:55 AM
Lead buildup in the barrel has never been a problem with any of my
guns, lead buildup in a suppressor can be a problem though.

07-31-2010, 09:48 AM
I'll bet! I can't pony-up for a suppressor yet. I even had my barrel built with the "target crown" rather than have it threaded for a flash hider. I figgure if I ever have the money for the suppressor, I'll just have the end of the barrel threaded!:grin: