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View Full Version : Bushmaster & DPMS Carriers - RE Using DPMS Carrier with a registed Lightning Link

05-09-2005, 09:40 AM
I just received an e-mail from a visitor to Quarterbore.com (http://www.quarterbore.com) and they sent me a couple photos of a DPMS Carrier along side a Bushmaster carrier... here are the details:

I was browsing your site, and I must say it is impressive, but I have a
DPMS carrier sitting in front of me and I doubt it would work well with a
rLL. Admitted I don't have one to try it (despite how awesome it would be)
it is the "politically correct" full circle design, it is rounded at the
edges, and the SP1 style carriers that bushmaster offered (I'm not sure if
they still are) are much different in appearance. I have enclosed a few
pictures to help relate everything.

The photos are included as attachments!

Looking at these photos I do not believe that the Bushmaster Carrier is to SP-1 specs and I do not believe that that carriew would work with a LL without modification. The DPMS Carrier, quite to the contrary of what I have read, also clearly will not work with a Lightning Link either...

Following is an image from: http://quarterbore.com/nfa/lightninglink.html

Top: Normal AR-15 Carrier
Middle: Colt "SP1" style Carrier
Bottom: M-16 Carrier

Attached below:

Left Pic: Top Bushmaster Carrier - Bottom DPMS
Right Pic: Two images of DPMS Carrier

07-09-2005, 08:25 PM
This may seem dumb, but the Bushmaster looks just like the sp1 doesnt it???

Am I missing something??

Tom :)

07-12-2005, 11:05 PM

The width of the paddle will not be able to fit in behind the rear lug and into the carrier because of the rounded edge. The SP1 is flat on the back. It is super easy to modify with a dremel, so either the dpms or bushmaster could work.


02-21-2006, 09:46 PM
I have a pre-ban bushmaster ar-15 and have a lightning link and the damn thing does not work. The lighting the trigger hook has not bearing the thing at all.

02-21-2006, 09:47 PM
I have a pre-ban bushmaster ar-15 and have a lightning link and the damn thing does not work. The lighting the trigger hook has not bearing the thing at all.[/QUOTE]

12-29-2006, 06:42 AM
My C-2 had a Lightning Link set up in a Bushmaster, He milled a little bit off the inside edge of the carrier to make it fit in, the way a LL works is sort of Un-Natural when you think about it so a little custom fitting is to be expected. They do work fairly well with the Buhmaster Upper and a Colt Carrier, and thinking about it he rans his LL in my Bushy once and it ran without any problem:uzi2: Guess it must vary on when the Bushy was made but not sure on that point. I passed up buying it though as I did not like the price of it or that it was not select Fire, Bought my AC556 instead to keep my Uzi Bolt gun company:grin:
They will also fit in a Model 1 Upper with a Colt Carrier in them without modifacation.